Friday, January 17, 2020

Marvel VS DC Comics

I grew up reading Marvel Comics.  DC Comics were beneath me.  I once read a newspaper article explaining that Marvel was aimed at college students while DC was aimed at high schoolers.  That may have been an understatement.  I could tell the difference when I was 14.  Marvel all the way! 

DC:  Superman was invulnerable unless he was exposed to some dozen forms of Kryptonite.  He learned to fly by floating with balloons.  His opponents were silly people.  He had a supergirl, a superdog and there may have been other superpets too.  As Superman, he had muscles like a pro weightlifter, but as Clark Kent he was "less built".  He had no personal problems other than women who's initials were always L.L.  His eyeglasses deceived everyone...

Aquaman was a joke.  Green Lantern couldn't handle anything yellow.  Batman had promise in his darker aspects.  None of the characters were actually adults and most had children as sidekicks.

Marvel used to be (I think) "Timely Comics".  They had the worst junk I ever spent a dime on.  I recall a giant eraser smoothing the surface on the Earth until some genius threw paint in front of it and revealed a weerd creature damaging the Earth (the eraser could then finally erase it).  How it followed the creature just behind was never explained).  And one where a creature on a planet grew to control the whole thibg glorying in its power until a human turned on the tub faucet and washed it away to drown.  REALLY BAD STUFF!

But then Stan Lee came along with some broke artists.  The owner changed the name to Marvel.  And he had seen a new DC comic book of heroes getting together (Justice League) and told Lee he wanted a team.  In a week.  The group created the Fantastic Four.  And later The Avengers.  They later created Spiderman.

Te cause of their superpowers was kind of lame.  Cosmic Rays for the Fantastic Four, Gamma Rays for the Hulk, a radioactive spider for Spiderman.  Antman had a shrinking/expanding ray. 

But the point was that they had "problems?  And as teenagers, we understood "problems".  The FF were normal except for Ben Grimm (the Thing).  Spiderman had to hide his powers from friends and family and was a dud (early on) with girls.  The Hulk had no self control. 

Iron Man was at least self-created, but a real jerk.  Sub-Mariner and Captain America returned from some old 1940s comics.  New villains and heroes were created, and THEY had personal problems.  EVERYONE in the Marvel world had problems.  Thor was originally lame Dr Blake who struck his cane in a special cave and became Thor and had to go back and forth (the cane was somehow Thor's Hammer).

Both DC and Marvel had a letters page at the end of each comic book early on.  DC spoke to children; Marvel spoke to adults. 

But I partly wrote all that to say this...  The movies of the DC and Marvel characters are relatively equal in quality.  That's mostly because the movie-makers aren't the DC writers.  Give a telented production team, and they can do almost as much with Wonder Woman or Superman as Spiderman or The Avengers.  But "relative" is not "equal".

I liked the Superman movies.  They actually made a fairly real person out of him.  Batman seems the realist of the DC characters.  But Marvel has really done it right.  I can't rewatch the Superman movies (I can rewatch the Batman ones, sometimes), but I can rewatch the Marvel ones.  And that includes the critically-panned FF movies.  *I* liked them!  Though they really did mess up Dr Doom and Galactus a bit. 

I haven't watched the 2 last Avengers movies.  Cable wants too much.  I may check out streaming on my Amazon account...


Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

You should check out Captain Marvel. We think you'll enjoy the orange cat.

And yes, we are named after Jack "King" Kirby and Stan Lee.

Also, don't forget about your local library as a source for free movies.

Megan said...

'Tis all gobbdelgook to me mark - I liked Donald Duck comics!

Sydney, Australia

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee - Yeah I guessed your names involved Stan "The Man" Lee and Jack "The King" Kirby. Actually, I've always wondered about "Tiki"...

Ayla and Iza got named from the 'Clan Of The Cavebear' and Marley's has nothing to do with that. I did consider Brun and Creb (male characters in the books), but the woman I got him from (He was a gift and it turned out she was allergic to cats) named him Marley (and of course I could have renamed him). But "Marley" just seemed so right! And he responded to it, so I left it alone.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Megan - "'Tis all gobbdelgook to me mark - I liked Donald Duck comics!"

Well, I never read the lighter-hearted comic books, but I do enjoy the old cartoons. I sometimes watch 'Duck Tales' on cable (actually rather well-done), and last night, I re-watched my 1 DVD of Road Runner cartoons.

I sort of root for Wile E Coyote even though I know he will never win. Did you know that his father was named Cage E Coyote (although I recall it being Smart E Coyote once). And that the reason Wile E never speaks is because his father forbid him until he caught a road runner?

Funny quick story... You remember Trivial Pursuit I hope. I was always great on the science categories. But the one about actors and comics drove me nuts. If it was actors and movies, I never stood a chance. If it was cartoons and comic strips, I was never wrong.

So when I landed on the center to win the game, it was 50/50. My friends had to choose that; I was way better than 50/50 on all the other categories.

If it was actors/actresses, I was hopeless. If it was movies, sometimes I got lucky. If it was about cartons or comics strips, they lost. For whatever reason, I have a great memory for comic books and comic strips. One friend had a phenomenal memory for 1950's and later music. The other knew everything about every movie.

We were a weird 3some, LOL!

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

Tiki was named so because the library conference that Daddy helps put on had a Tiki party that year. Mommy agreed because she wanted Riley to have a friend/sister. Riley went to the Bridge in just a few short years, so Mommy lets Daddy do all the naming in hopes we'll live longer.

Emerging Daffodils

The earliest established daffodils are up.  Not blooming yet, but leaves about 4" high. They will look like this soon. I expected the g...