Thursday, January 9, 2020

Speaking Of Internetlly Stupid

I order veggie and flower seeds just this time of year.  I get great catalogs in the mail.  Must cost them a fortune...  I've found the catalogs come in 2 categories.  The really good companies and the really bad ones.  The really bad companies offer "the world's biggest tomato" or the "cheapest prices" .

I've been gardening for 50 years.  I can tell the difference at a glance.  But for those of you who haven't, (and I'm not posting just for that) HERE is a website that rates gardening companies...

My point is to say that some really good businesses have REALLY WRETCHED websites.  If I was in the "website design" business (I'm not), I would search them and offer to improve them.  I mention that only for my possible easier use of them.

I ordered this year (as past) from Territorial Seed Company.  They don't have the very highest rating, but the negative ratings aren't things that are issues for me (quite frankly, there are some dumb gardeners out there). 

But their website is hard to navigate.  Most garden sites, you can just type in item numbers from the catalog.  Territorial Seeds doesn't even recognize its own item numbers.  Like they say a small packet of seeds is a "BN047C" and a larger packet is a "BN046G" (made those up just for examples) and you enter "BN047C", all you get is all the bean seeds...

And if you try going for all the bean seeds (beans on a drop down menu), it wants you to look at all beans even though the category says "romano beans".  And you have to repeat the menu for every item.  And if you enter a coupon code (there are sites for coupon codes), sometimes that wipes the cart and you have to staet again.  More than one user complained about that, so I didn't even try for one.  LOL!

Maybe it's a marketing thing.

But maybe someone should fix their website.  Anyway, my order got placed and I will get some new seeds in a week.   I usually need to get about 10% of my seeds each year.  I keep them in specimen vials in the basement refrigerator, so they last years, but I do run out of some each year. 

I'll mention all this to the company, but you folks come first.  LOL!

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