Thursday, May 30, 2024


1.  I had an old WWII clamp-on adjustable fluorescent lamp.  Used 40 watts.  Loved it for decades.  Simple on/off switch on the top.  But it started to "hum" all the time.

So I replaced it with a similarly adjustable but LED lamp.  It doesn't "hum" and uses about 11 watts.  But it comes with 4 buttons to control light color, intensity, and each has several degrees of brightness.  I kind of hate it.

All I wanted was a non-humming light with an on/off button.

2.  I have a cat who loves to fire-hose pee standing up like marking territory.  I bought litterboxes with high sides.  Now he just stands taller and aims farther up.  It must be deliberate.  

3.  I have a bad hip.  My Dr says I should smoke and drink less.  Duh!  But that isn't fixing my hip.  

4.  I've been laying in bed (hip thing) too long.  I need to get more active again.  But the hip thing isn't going away.

5.  The Weather Channel (online) makes a big thing about timing of rain.  Right down to 15 minute increments for the current hour.  So, it was supposed to rain at 3 PM.  At 2 PM, I was outside hauling some 50/50 topsoil/compost to fill up 10 gallon buckets for tomatoes/corn/beans/flowers.  

I was mixing in a balanced slow-release organic fertilizer.  And suddenly torrents of rain pelted down on me.  I barely got the dry fertilizer and the lawn tractor (hauling the buckets in a trailer).  And I was soaked to the skin by the time I got inside.  

6.  No one other than big box stores, Amazon, or Walmart delivers  anything when promised.  My new eyeglasses are 3 days late.  My driver's license should have arrived 2 days ago.  Maybe Amazon has spoiled me.

7.  Doctor offices are just as bad.  After getting put in an exam room, I am told "The doctor will be with you in a few minutes.  30 minutes is not "a few".  One day after 90 minutes, I was reaching for the door when the doctor arrived.  They should just be more honest!  If the doctor is an hour behind, they know that.  So just tell us, right?  I now always have a crossword puzzle or a book with me.

8.  This is not a gripe.  But it applies to waiting.  The DMV or MVA, (or whatever your driver's license place is called) used to be notorious for making you sit around forever several different times.  Last week, I went there.  After 10 minutes in line at the entry booth, I was given a number.  My number was called before I could even sit down!  And the people were friendly.  I was out in another 10 minutes!

9.  I was required to accept a new cable box recently.  I hate the changes.  Now, every time I turn on the TV, I have to refuse "pay-for" movie service.  OR it says (seemingly randomly)  "press any button to go to channels".  Any button sends you to the button you pressed, not channels.  I only watch HD channels and HBO movies.  

10.  I'm becoming slightly paranoid about 2 things.  OK, not actually paranoid, but there are 2 things that amaze me routinely.  The first is that, no matter when I go out to see if the mail has arrived (and it isn't), the mailperson arrives by the time I get back to the house.  And since they are going down the opposite side of the street, it is 10 minutes before they get to me.  So I can stand there for 10 minutes and wait.  

The mail usually arrives noon to 2 PM.  Yesterday, at 5 PM, I checked the mail and there was none.  I no sooner got back to the garage, here they came!  I have joked to myself that they sit at the top of the hill and wait for me to check my mailbox before they continue on their route.  LOL!

The other thing is one traffic light.  It allows me to return to my neighborhood across a minor highway.  From where I am coming from, there is absolutely no timing connection with that light.  Traffic on the route home eliminates the possibility.  

But 90% of the time (more or less), every time I turn the corner of the back road, I see the light to cross the highway just turning yellow!  And the highways gets 3 minutes so I have to sit and wait and wait...

11.  Motorcycle Guy!  There is some guy down the street that drives his motorcycle up and down the street many times a day.  I think he is a teen who is not allowed to drive out of the neighborhood.  So most days, he drives back and forth on our street.  

He has a right to do that (if of legal age - which you can't tell with a helmet on) but the noise is irritating and goes right through my windows and walls.  I've gotten so I cringe every time I hear him going back and forth.

OK, enough of all that...


Monday, May 27, 2024

US Memorial Day

So many, across many wars, times so many thousands... 

Free Cemetery War photo and picture 

Upon the Fields of Flanders, at Omaha Beach, in the Pacific struggle, on the shores of Tripoli,  at so many other places...  To them, I honor those who gave their lives defending freedom, those who returned injured, and those who struggled to help them all with ceremony and aid where possible.

Family lore is not always that certain, but I know I had Uncles who fought WWII in the Pacific and in Europe and probably Aunts and Grandparents who also served at home in industries supporting them.  From what I know, my Dad and his brother spent WWII building submarines, having been declined for more active enlistment for medical reasons.  

I expect building submarines required a lot of effort,  so they did their part.  

I mentioned "family lore".  Apparently "Uncle Buzzy" dropped a bomb down a Japanese Destroyer smoke-staff, and sank it.   The others served in Europe.  All came home...

But so many didn't.  So on this day, I pause to remember those who did not.  There will probably come a time in the future when those soldiers will be forgotten.  But it is not this day and time.

I honor all today, quietly, here and now...

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Thankful Tuesday

I made it to 74 today!  

74th Birthday Wishes - Birthday Images, Pictures -

 I'm thankful...  Tonight will be Ribeye steak for me and real chicken for The Mews (they don't like steak all that much but love chicken). 

Monday, May 20, 2024

Spam Emails

A couple of months ago, I discovered an AOL mail feature that allowed me to "delete and block" spammer emails sent to my spam folder.  But now it seems I'm just getting more every day.  Easy enough to delete with the "check all" box, and I never fall for one of course, but did I do something stupid? 

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Busy Day

Thursday was a busy day.  First, I had to get an abdominal ultrasound at 9 AM.  But their first offer was 5:30 AM, so 9 seemed much better.  I don't deal with appointments and time-commitments very well, so I didn't sleep well the night before.  I use a kitchen timer as an alarm clock (much easier to set) but I'm always worried I will sleep through the beeps when it matters.  But I got up and arrived on time.

The ultrasound requires a gel.  The tech warned me it would feel cold.  It was.  But when she spread it around, it was colder!  It was my first ultrasound, so I expected a machine.  I thought she was pushing on my with her hands, but that was the small detector she was moving around.  

The ultrasound was required for some possible liver scarring issues.  Livers get scars?  Anyway, it my right hip that bothers me, but my Dr is eliminating everything else before he will authorize a CT of the hip.  I sort of understand, but I wish he would get to the hip sooner rather than later.  

If the hip problem is fixable, I would like to get on with that.  But if it isn't, I would like to know that soon too!  There are possible causes for the hip pain that could be serious.  Delay is disturbing me.  Every negative test is just putting off a confirmable diagnosis.  And after every unimportant test, it is 2 weeks before I can see the Dr again.

So anyway, after the ultrasound, I went grocery-shopping, I had done a pickup order, but left out a few things I wanted.  Fortunately, I had bought a clear plastic bin at Walmart that fit the seat of my roller.  It is large enough to most of the things I buy.  In this case, it was chocolate chip ice cream, whole black pepper, frozen baby green peas, milk, and snow peas.  

And went home to get some sleep...  And not much.  Because I also had an appointment for Marley to get a urinalysis a 2 PM.  So 2 hours of bad sleep again and off I went with him to the Vet.  When we got to the exam room, they weighed him.  He was 16 lbs in his prime, but is down to 13+ now.  Age and kidneys are getting to him.

When they put him back in the carrier, he really surprised me.  He growled!  I can't recall hearing him growl since the last time he faced down an intruder cat years ago.  But then the vet tech said he is often difficult and growly when they do stuff to him in the back room.  Well, that's because I'm not there with him!

But anyway, his urinalysis was good and they didn't suggest any further treatment or meds.  So we went home.  We were both happy to be there again.

I slept for 3 hours, finally free of appointments.  Got up at 6 PM, fed the cats, made dinner, watched TV political news.  I bet I sleep 12 hours tonight!  No appointments to worry about.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Maryland Primary Day Voting

Of course I voted.  Since I turned 18, I've only missed one Primary or General Election.  That was Carter vs Reagan.  I din't want to vote for either.  I preferred John Anderson then and the lines were so long it didn't seem to be worth standing in line for a few hours for a protest vote.

Maryland (at least my part of it) is VERY good about providing many voting places these days.  20 years ago, the lines were HOURS long; today, they are MUCH shorter.  

Today, I rolled in and there were no lines.  Got approved to vote, was given a folder with a strip of paper, escorted to a touch-screen voting machine, and told to entry the paper strip into a slot.  It didn't work.  So they escorted me to another.  That one accepted the paper strip.  

Voting was so easy.  Tap a button for your choices.  A review comes up showing your choices, offering ways to change them in case of a mistake.  If you agree, the votes are recorded.  The machine sends the paper strip back out for a final review.  It was correct.  

Then you bring it to the counting machine.  And, BTW, the election officials won't even touch your slip of paper (lest there be any "sleight-of-hand").  I was in-and-out in 10 minutes.  I can't think of any way Maryland could make the voting process any easier or more secure!  And I got another "I Voted" sticker...  I wish I had saved them from decades ago.  I would have quite a collection!

I won't reveal my votes for the major Democratic Primary candidates (they all won, so you can figure it out if you want to).  But there were 10 Electoral College candidates and you could vote for 9.  One was "uncommitted" and the others were committed to my Presidential choice, so I voted for them.

School Board candidates are usually difficult (yes I even care about them).  I used to read summaries about each one from The League Of Women Voters, but they are blocked from providing information like that now.  It's not like they made recommendations.  They just allowed each candidate to provide several paragraphs about themselves.

I used to read those carefully.  School Board is officially non-partisan, but each candidate almost always used a few hints and code-phrases to tell you where they stood.  I miss that information very much.

But it didn't matter this time.  There were exactly the same number of candidates as there were positions to be filled, so there was no point in voting for them.  Maybe next election, I'll toss my name into the list!  I care about general education enough.

I now look forward to the General Election.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Grocery Store Pickup Results

 Well, the pickup process was actually a bit confusing.  I had set a pickup time for 2PM and I expected that meant I should just arrive there at that time.  No, not quite!  I received an email the evening before that said my order would be ready between 2-7 PM.  What?!

I would receive a "notification" when it was ready.  But they didn't tell me what form the notification would be in.  They had my phone number and email address, and I had unchecked mobile phone text.  Searching their site and even talking to a chatbot didn't reveal anything.  

So in the morning, I called an 877 number to a centralized location.  The agent there couldn't answer my question, but did give me a number to the store customer service desk (CSD).  Amazingly, the CSD couldn't tell me how I would be "notified" either, lacking a smartphone app.

However, some good news!  No sooner had I hung up with the CSD than I got a call from a store shopper saying my order was ready to be picked up.  She even said the shallots were rather soft, did I still want them". (no).  I explained I had some mobility problems but would be there in 15 minutes.  So she said she would keep watch for my arrival (green Subaru SUV).

I got there and got out of the car and someone came out with a cart of bags.  Wrong person, LOL!  But she went back inside and found the right person.  That person came right out, loaded the bags into my car.  Even refused a tip.  She said she was paid to do pickup orders.

It was a wonderful experience and I will do it again.

There were 2 minor problems.  I had clicked on "no substitutions" for every item.  I ordered minced horseradish and got "creamy".  OK, I can live with that.  The other seems to have been my fault.  I wanted Breyer's chocolate chip ice cream and got regular chocolate.  I don't like regular chocolate.  But after reviewing my original order, it appears I clicked the wrong one.

Well, my good neighbors across the street are taking care of 3 grandchildren.  I bet some of them like regular chocolate ice cream.  It will be a gift; they have certainly done more than enough for me!

I haven't tested it yet, but I bet the items I ordered this time will be close to the top the next time.  The Safeway digital loyalty card section notices my routine preferences, so I expect the online ordering one will also do that.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Grocery Store Pickup

My right hip is causing enough problems that I can't go through the grocery store to choose items, even with the roller/walker I bought.  Can't manage the roller and a shopping cart at the same time.   So I decided to surrender and get store pickup.  I can drive without any difficulty.

I have had a few CT and X-rays of the hip, but nothing is "for certain" yet.  I'll tell you all when it is.

I say "surrender" because I am fussy about fresh fruits and veggies.  I'm sure I will get hard peaches and limp lettuce.  I think my "fussy" days are done.  I can use the roller in small shops where I am buying small amounts.  But my grocery-shopping is bountiful.  

So I tried out shopping online at Safeway (and I'm sure other stores are about the same).  It was difficult.  OK, it was the first time...  I had to look up categories and scroll through pages of items by popularity to find what I wanted.  They seem to think that everyone wants only canned, frozen, and prepared foods.  And I suppose they are right, but I'm not in that group.  

So I went through veggies, fruits, condiments, and a few other categories.  Finally finished with 48 items.  And then couldn't check out!  Went around in circles with the cart and "continue" several times.  Finally saw a small chatbot button and tried it.  It's pretty stupid, but eventually I figured out the right question.

Apparently, even though I was signed in, I had to sign in again.  I guess that the 2nd sign-in actually registered I was placing a pickup order.  Even then, I had to go through my entire shopping order to undo "allow substitutions".  Seriously, if I am ordering yellow peaches I don't want a white nectarine.  They should have a button at the top to say "no substitutions" for everything.

I wish I was a young coding expert working for them who could do things like that.  But then, they probably just order delivery food every day.  And just mentioning that the store cashiers are baffled at things like bok choy or parsnips.  Well, OK, I understand.   If it isn't something you buy yourself, you don't recognize it very well.

But I finally managed to get to a payment page!  After that I got an email confirmation on the order.  I sure hope the stuff is decent quality...

I'll tell you how this all went tomorrow.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Wildlife Is Vanishing

Yes, true worldwide, but I'm thinking of the local ones.  And specifically my yard.  

I keep a mostly organic yard (OK, I spray individual poison ivy plants).  But I do things to help the birds and bees and other stuff thrive.  Half my backyard is left semi-wild.  Lots of small trees for bird-nesting.  I have black oil sunflower seed in one feeder for most songbirds, 2 thistle seed feeders for the purple and gold finches, and 2 nectar feeders for the hummingbirds.

I have 5'x3'pond for frogs.  With plants and debris at the bottom to support aquatic insects.  I have butterfly bushes, pollinator plants, and plants that insect larvae can develop on.  

I used to see some possums and raccoons at night.  I used to hear thousands of Spring Peeper frogs in the swamp across the street in the Spring.

But that has been changing.  I noticed a few years ago that the Swamp was quiet; no Spring Peepers calling in the thousands.  I used to see deer in my front yard and the neighbors in snow prints and visually.  I used to see snow prints of other various critters.

When I moved here 37 years ago, there were no cardinals, finches, etc.  But when I set up feeders, I got up to 6 pairs of cardinals, a bunch of purple finches, a dozen goldfinches, and various smaller birds (titmice, wrens, woodpeckers, etc).  Sometimes, the sunflower seed feeder was mobbed by starlings (I did tend to chase them away as they would just empty the feeder in a few hours, leaving nothing for the other birds and the stuff is somewhat expensive).   I haven't seen it mobbed in a few years.

I think we are in trouble.  If my generally organic semi-wild yard can't support cardinals, finches, and other small birds with good food, something is going very wrong.  If there are no frogs in the pond, something is very wrong.  If the deer (those damned landscape-eaters) are becoming more rarely seen,  something is very wrong.  

My hummingbirds haven't come back this year.  I haven't seen a single butterfly.  I haven't seen a possum on the deck at night.  I haven't seen many bees (Honey or Bumble) and it has been warm enough for a month.  I haven't seen any hornets (not that I love them).  But still, that is not a good sign.

Something is going bad, and I think we are causing all this.  As Pogo said "We have met the enemy and it is us".  


Thursday, May 9, 2024

Last Daffodils and Good Deck Pots

The daffodils are fading.  This is from a week ago on their final days. 

Fortunately,  my cherry tomato pot has these survivors from last year.

The pansies are finally blooming better.  They just didn't do well over Winter.

Several different color combinations.  When I bought them in Fall, there were no blooms, so it was all random.

I like the purple ones.

I'm not sure if these are asters or tithonia.  Regardless, I will enjoy them.

These are Moonbeam Coreopsis.  They have been growing in that pot without much care for about 15-20 years now.  They might outlast me.

The star-gazer lilies are growing again.  They are about as old as the coreopsis.

I need to go off the deck and the pictures of the yard flowers...

Changing The Clocks And Watches

As I said yesterday way more briefly than I intended to (I meant to go back and add a lot more Saturday evening) I love Daylight Saving Time...