Thursday, March 23, 2023

Spring Blooms, Part 2

 A week ago (still going with the recently found pics).  The Daff were still blooming well.  It is a joy to see them from the deck.

And the backyard Saucer Magnolia is still in full flower.  We had non-freezing nights for a week.

The frontyard one gets less sunlight, so it is also behind the other by about a week.  But it is looking good.  I sometimes notice neighborhood walkers stop and look at it carefully.  Well, it is pink, but it obviously isn't a cherry tree.  

The front Daffodil bed is in full bloom.  They last a couple of weeks in bloom.  But they seem to live forever.  These have been growing there happily for 30 years.  I do need to dig up the wild blackberries that are growing in there, though or they will take over.

There are an early and a late variety mixed there.  It extends the blooming season.  But the latter one actually has some fragrance (which is not common for Daffodils).  It is nice to smell flowers in Mid-Spring.

In May, the Hostas will emerge and show all Summer to Fall.  The Daffodils and Hostas get along together just fine.  I've also ordered some plants that are "deer-resistent" to deter them.

The deer won't eat the Daffodils, but they love Hostas.  Even then, though, they love some Hostas less than others (because of fuzzier leaves).  So those are in among the Daffodils now.  And I plan to place dark green vinyl cages around those Hostas (they are invisible from the street).

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Spring Has Sprung

I love Spring!  The 2 Saucer Magnoloias are in complete full bloom.  Sometimes a late freeze catches them and damaged to budding flowers, bu...