Friday, March 24, 2023

Spring Blooms, Part 3

Catching up to yesterday...

The Saucer Magnolia tree flowers were fully opened.  But there was a hard freeze 25F lat night.  This will be the end of the flowers.  But no reason not to show them on their last day...

The Daffodils don't mind the freeze.  Someone should splice the Daffodil "antifreeze" into Saucer Magnolias!

But even Daffodils (and other Spring Bulbs) don't last forever, so I walked around the yard taking pictures.  It is always tricky as how to show them off best.  I planted most randomly over several years, so even I am surprised at what comes up and blooms.  This is just a part of the backyard.

I planted 100s of Hyacinths 25 years ago.  The voles love them!  One spot of 20 has 3 left.  I appreciate them.

This Fall, I will make wire cages to keep voles out and replant Hyacinths.  The fragrance is wonderful, so it is worth the effort.

Meanwhile, the Daffodils thrive.  So I took pictures...

 I love the various white/yellow/orange colors.  They really get me out into the yard (as do the cats, but both together is great)... 

Some Tulips will come later.  I see the leaves emerging.

1 comment:

pilch92 said...

Our daffodils are blooming, but not the magnolias. Gorgeous blooms.

Spring Has Sprung

I love Spring!  The 2 Saucer Magnoloias are in complete full bloom.  Sometimes a late freeze catches them and damaged to budding flowers, bu...