Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Annoyed Serious Gripe

 I shop at a Safeway store.  They have great produce and I love fresh veggies and fruits.  And it is not a busy store.  Checkout lines are usually just a few people.  But I have a gripe about one checkout woman.  And I've emailed the store about it but gotten no reply.  So I feel like complaining about it somewhere.

I have a store-loyalty card.  You show it to the checkout cashier and they scan it immediately.  But there is one cashier who always says "I'll do that at the end". OK.   But she never remembers to do that.  The first time, OK, she was busy and forgot.  

When I pointed at my loyalty card sitting on the small surface next to her, she said I hadn't shown it to her.  Of course I had.  I had held it right up to her.  Well, fine, people get busy and forget things.

The next time I was in her line, same thing.  But this time I mentioned she had forgotten the last time.  She blew up.  "I never forget that" she said, and then forgot again.  I pointed out that it was the 2nd time.  She blamed me for not showing the card first (I had).

Today, I had to go through her station again (only express lane).  Again she said "I'll do that at the end".  I insisted she did.  She said she never forgets.

This time the same thing.  And she did not have a name label.  I said "I bet your name is "Patsy".  She asked how I knew.  I said because you do the same card-scan-avoidance everytime "for later".  I demanded she scan the card immediately.  And she seemed both aggrieved and angry.

But she did scan it.  In anger, and she practically threw my bags at me afterwards.

What is with some people?  All she has to do is scan cards when presented.  Everyone else does.


Just Ducky said...

You should get your phone out and record this. Then immediately go to the manager. So isn't there anyone else working a check out lane? Is it some sort of deal so that you don't get the sale prices? Strange.

Marcia said...

Wow, I suddenly have a greater appreciation for the clerks in our grocery store. They run the card the minute they see it: before, after, or in the middle of scanning items. They ask if you have one, if you don't have it right out for them. And they always say how much you saved today using it.
I think the one at your store needs to be retrained!

Susie said...

It’s happened to me. One cashier insisted it was at the end. She forgot and not want to scan my items over again. I argued with her that all the other cashiers do it first! Luckily she only lasted a couple months. Some people are too stubborn to work with the public.

Megan said...

But why? I don't quite understand the benefits of having your card scanned but I presume there are some that flow through to the customer. But if she doesn't scan, I can't see how that might benefit her in any way - unless she enjoys feeling that she's scoring a point off every customer (or perhaps just you?!! LOL).
Not sure of the legalities/ethics of recording someone when they don't know that they're being recorded ... but even if you don't record it, perhaps you could ask to speak to the store manager immediately after the transaction so the customer 'complaint' is brought to the attention of the most senior person available immediately after the incident has occurred. And then do the same thing the next time it happens and the next ...
Staff shortages may mean that the store is reluctant to terminate employment or even discipline the employee but ... you're providing meaningful feedback that ensures that the store manager has what is needed to improve things. And if they don't? Then I'd want to follow up with a report to corporate headquarters.
Not because it's the biggest issue in your life or you enjoy making trouble for people but because you're keen to see the store lift its customer service and behave appropriately and with respect for you and others.

Sydney, Australia

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