Monday, December 27, 2021

Post-Christmas Thoughts

The Mews were all snuggled asleep on the bed

With visions of toy-mousies in their sweet heads.

Two napped together, one slightly apart.

And one napped aloof, that one darling old tart.


When what to my wondering eyes did I spy,

But the clock showing that my own bedtime was nigh.

I slid into bed with the greatest of care,

But the Mews sure did know, like I was a bear.


There were mews of complaints,

But we all did adjust.

One curled on the right of me;

Another chose the left.


A third lay beside me.

The fourth took a corner

And we slept through the night like

A drugged bunch of turtles.

And if you are noticing

That my poem lost the rhyme,

Just credit it to

That last glass of wine...




There are things that leave

My writing skills some agape.

Its the Wrath of Grapes...




I joke often, I am serious often.  I think.  I write.  It all blends together.  I suppose that sometimes, I am the only one who knows exactly what I mean in a post.  Jokes can hide serious thoughts and serious thoughts can hide jokes.

Thursday, December 23, 2021


You try all sorts of things when you have problems with the computer.

I upgraded the RAM.   I THINK that helped.  There are SOME warning messages I no longer get.  

But there were some suggestions of other problems.  So I deleted all caches and most cookies.  That helped, but some I will will have to re-enter.

I bought some new stuff to increase the directness of the ports my peripherals prefer.  That sounds strange but peripherals have options on connections and some are better than others.  I spent a day last week looking at the options.  

A lot of my stuff is old.  It is odd in a way to think of HDMI connections as "old".  Once, they were "best tech".  But things change and I don't always notice.  And problems sneak in gradually.  I have them.

So the RAM-upgrader tech guy explained "thunderbolt" connections, and Bluetooth.  Well, I thought "Bluetooth" was just for wandering around with a mobile laptop.  Was wrong.

He suggested a few cool add-on hardware things.  I checked them out pretty carefully and ordered a couple.  And, granted, this is all Mac stuff...

First was a multiport hub that fits under my Mac-Mini...

It adds many ports and uses only 1 USB plug..  And I needed them all.  And it made it easier to organize my cables.

He also suggested a Mac-dedicated keyboard.  I ordered that too.  It is Mac-dedicated.

New MacBook Air keyboard features dedicated keys for ...

It is good.  Macs have dedicated symbolic keys that keyboards that work for Mac and PCs don't have.  You have to figure them out on a combination keyboard and learn to interperate.  That's a pain.

So the Mac-dedicated keyboard is good, too.

My Christmas presents to myself...

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Rehabilitating The Computer, Part 2

Oh, it's going to be one of THOSE posts; I made 3 typos tonight in the title alone.  LOL! I'm actually typing this Sat night, but it kinna late to post.  

But the RAM has been upgraded from 8 GB to 16.  It was scheduled for 4-6 PM Thursday, but the technician had some difficult repairs and then rush hour traffic problems made it unreasonable (Washington traffic is among the worst in the US and any accident just brings it to a screaming-mad halt). So we rescheduled to Sat 9-11 AM.  I wasn't exactly "thrilled", but things happen.  

He arrived early in the time-slot, so that was good.  I must say, he had 2 impressive bags of tools.  Well, it's an on-site service, so he has to have everything with him.  And I have to say that he was friendly, experienced, and helpful (even answered some unrelated  questions I had - I always try to learn a little bit during household repairs).

I left him to his work (mostly) but dropped into the room a few times just out of curiosity.   It isn't often I get to see the insides of a computer.  So I learned a few things.  The Mac-Mini has a fan, though I never heard it or noticed an airflow input).  Apparently it is a better fan than Window Companies use ("heavier and more wings".  The hard drive is the size of a Bridge playing card and is "solid state".  

I had my Mac upside down for some reason; probably some thought about how the ON button should be placed.  The circle I had on top is a combination base and Wi-Fi antenna (no harm done, though).  The RAM cards were more familiar-looking; you can see some circuitry.  

I originally bought the RAM upgrade chips months ago, but feared to attempted it.  The online instructions said you need special screwdriver bits and a "IFixIt".  I have some odd driver bits, but I didn't know what an IFixIt was.  And there were dire warnings about static electricity damage.  So I chickened out and finally called for the experts...

And a good thing I did!  It took the guy 2 hours to exchange the RAM chips.  It turns out that IFixIt is a massive case of REALLY weird driver bits that I didn't have a HOPE of having.  I couldn't have done it even WITH the right tools.  And he said the 2018 Mac-Mini (mine) was unusually difficult to work on.  

He had to almost completely disassemble it!  Replacing the RAM chips was the EASY part.  And even then, some very tiny connectors and 2 rubber insulators (and I THINK), a metal MESH heat-disippation cover gave him some trouble.  I'm far-sighted and can't see anything without reading glasses or a magnifier lens up close, so I NEVER could have done it anyway.  

After he was done, we talked for a few minutes (as I said, he was friendly).  First, he liked my (home-made) computer desk.  It's old but sturdy at 5' by 30".  By "old" I mean it even has a 12"x 1" slot cut though the top and a platform below for fanfold paper (remember that stuff?).  

Second, he said the computer was very clean inside.  Considering I smoke (and only while on the computer these days) I was amazed.  He said it looked perfect.  Good for years...

Third, he said he needed to test the computer to make sure every seemed to be working.  That was humerus.  I'm right-handed, but hold the mouse oddly, so I have the mouse buttons reversed.  From my earliest office days to the present, anytime an IT guy had to work on my computer I warned them of that.      I tell them to just reverse the buttons to "normal" (it's SO easy) They always shrug it off saying they'll adjust.  They never do!  And they always keep frustrating themselves.  They just keep pressing the wrong side button (it's muscle-memory).

But we tested out some apps and sites.  The Apple Menu confirmed it was reading 16 GB.  He wanted to test an online site, so I directed him to the Mark's Mews Blog.  He had seen Lori wandering around the room and mentioned he had 2 cats, so that seemed like a good place.  And he took a picture of the blog address to visit later.

He mentioned having to be professionally neutral among Apple/Windows/others.  So to test my files folders, (and because he asked why I preferred Apple, I directed his attention to Finder.  Its like Windows Directory, but better).  That was working fine, too.  But I pointed his attention to the organization of my files/folders.

I am very organized.  Well, there is a reason I was a Federal Agency Project Manager.  He loved how organized I was.  Some people have all their files dumped in "Documents".  I have 6 folders just for categories of pictures and all my spreadsheet and word documents are similarly separated by subject. He loved it.  And it demonstrated to him that my computer was working fine after the "operation".

He loved my keyboard.  That might not seem odd, but I wear the letters off regular keyboard in mere months.  I found one with ingrained keys (daskeyboard) months ago and there isn't the least loss of key symbols since.  He didn't love my motley assembly of adapters.  Said they were slowing things down and making the hard drive work slightly harder.  And it is true.  I have adaptors to adaptors.  I keep old equipment connected until it just doesn't work anymore.  

So he gave so free advice and brought up sites that provided more direct connections.  I mean, even the 2018 Mac Mini has ports I couldn't understand.  So he explained:  Those tiny ones are "thunderbolt ports".  My external multi-port adapters I was using were really slowing things down.  And that I had wireless connections I wasn't using.  There is an Satechi Apple-dedicated keyboard he thinks I might prefer.  There is also a Satechi base that exactly matches the Mac Mini and adds various ports.  Add he says they provide the best adaptors.  I'll be looking at them...

I know about "last mile" cable connections causing slowdowns.  And I know about UPS and FedEx using the USPS to make final divers for cost and speed cost and efficiency reasons.  I DIDN'T know that last inch of adaptors was slowing things down.  Normally, I don't do things that require much speed.  BUT!  It makes a difference when downloading updates to apps or the whole O/S.  And I HATE sitting around for an hour during some major updates.  

I need an update to Firefox.  I'll see if it "feels" like it works faster after this RAM upgrade.  But mostly, I will know if the RAM upgrade helps if I stop getting warnings to "free up some RAM".  And if the computer wakes up from "sleep mode" and doesn't make the monitor go on and off fuzzily several times "sometimes" before coming up normally.

If all this makes sense to you, GREAT.  If not, just read it as details of me learning from a tech guy and relating it to past and present experience.  I know "some stuff" but not much.  Hardware is nearly invisible.  Software is easier, only because the apps guide me through the choices.  And even the software drives me crazy.

I have the RAM upgraded.  Now it is time to tackle the tangle of email apps.  AOL recognizes my cavebear account but not marksmews or yardenman.  Apple email reads marksmews and yardenman, but not cavebear.  And I can't reply FROM marksmews or yardenman, so have to forward those emails to AOL cavebear.  

I have an AOL, gmail and an iCloud email account for cavebear.  It has gotten TOTALLY out of control!    AOL is threatening my account there because of "3rd party" reading issues, gmail (Google) wants to make itself my exclusive provider, and I don't like that Apple iCloud keeps my data "away".  I love my stuff "here on the Mac Mini (safer from data-extraction).  

So that's the work for this week...  

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Rehabilitating The Computer

 Trying to some SOME problems, I have gotten the computer nearly beyond use.  I thought I would "fix" it last week, but I didn't.  I think I have too much of "everything".  

This week, I am going to try to recreate the basic functionality.  I don't know if I can.  I am getting stupid.  My smart phone just completely baffles me, and I am losing control over my email accounts.  I seem to have an iCloud email account, a Verizon email account, and a primary AOL email account.  And AOL is becoming increasingly unfriendly because of those others.

I need to go offline for a while.  I have some pre-set posts for the cat blog.  Sometimes, I write ahead of time.  

But mostly, I think I have to backup everything to my external drive, delete nearly everything I currently have, and save back carefully.

That is going to take a while.  I'm not really good or fast at this kind of stuff.  I may even change my ISP just to start fresh (saving emails, blogs, and bookmarks, which are mostly all that matter to me.

But I am going to start deleting a lot of options NOW!

I'll be back when I can...

Update:  First thing to do was get iCloud off my computer.  After several hours, I have downloaded iCloud back onto my hard drive.  That took a few hours.  But it also says it is "finishing".  And the dot on the bar is not moving fast.  Maybe the download is the "fast" part (hours) and the copying is slower.  I should check my internet speed...

Update:  Can't actually get iCloud OFF my Mac, but after downloading the files in it, I disabled it.  Took a while, but I love having companies UNABLED when possible.

Update:  12-14 2:47 AM.  Damn, just discovered my Mac Mini 2018 is NOT "user" RAM upgradable.  Apparently, I can't even buy the tools required to remove and replace them.  Sounds suspicious to me (you can buy anything) and I may check further, but maybe time to visit a computer store.  Macs are not as exclusive to repair stores as they used to be.  The local PC store geeks will do almost anything these days.  And I have the RAM chips to give them if that is an issue.  

But if I'm going through the trouble to have others upgrade it from 8 RAM to 16, I might as well to it to 24 or 32.  Can't be harmful...  Having money is WONDERFUL!  Sometimes overdoing things in the present is good for the future.  From what I'm reading, RAM is underappreciated.

Update:  1:32 pm.  OK, apparently, yes you can overdo RAM.  I found a site that says 64 RAM is the maximum my Mac Mini can handle.  So 32 is good.  I like to stay "just" under the danger limit.  I wish I had known the value of RAM when I bought this Mac Mini.  8 was recommended.  

I should have gone for 16 when I bought it.  But sites said 8 was "sufficient".  "Sufficient" sucks.  In computer world "more is better".  And especially after a few years.

Update:  1:55 pm.  Why am I fighting to do hardware stuff?  Software is hard enough and easier.  I'm going to the hardware guys.  After the hardware is upgraded, the software issues should be manageable.  And there are software geeks around here in case I fail.  Ads all over the place locally.  They are probably all able to solve my hardware issues.  "Incompetent Geek" doesn't even make much sense, LOL!

Update:  2:30 pm.  Wow, best price I could get for a RAM upgrade was $250.  It better be worth it!  On the other hand, they are coming here.  And it is a 2 hour minimum fee which means that I can get leftover time for software evaluation and "fixit".  The tech guy arrives Thursday PM.

Put another way, if there is a difficulty in the RAM upgrade more than 2 hours, they don't charge extra.  Oh the things we do to keep our computers working...  Well, cars aren't free either.  Neither is cable (but that's a future post).


Holiday Tree

 I always debate (to myself) each December shall it be the big tree fully-decorated or the little one.  Usually the little one.  It's just easier and (placed properly) looks like the top of a big one (from outside).

But it HAS been a few years.  I might to the full decoration of  the big fake tree.  I have some decorations I haven't seen for many years.  

Little one from a couple years ago...

Big one from years past...

Some details of the ornaments...

I had forgotten how festive a house can look at times...

But the big one takes a lot of effort, and no one sees it but me.  Still, sometimes you just want to go full-out.  And I think it seems right this year...

I think I might go full-out this year and do both.  The big one for myself and the small one for the cats.  I went to Petsmart yesterday and found a pack of 10 small mice.  I can attach hooks into them.  I can't really sew worth a damn, but I do have the basic stuff.  I can push a heavy-duty carpet needle through each mouse and attach carpet thread and attach a hook.    

Wouldn't that be a lovely decoration for the little 2' cat tree?  Tiny LEDS lights and mosies hanging from the treem.  Under which to put Secret Paw gifts...

Sometimes, you just feel like decorating.  Just for even yourself.

Monday, December 13, 2021

Garden Projects

The fall off the extension ladder really messed me up for this year.  But I am getting back into yardwork.   The immediate problem is invasive weeds from a previous neighbor.  They planted them, they crept into my back yard, and they spread .  My neighbors had an empty back yard, so they just mowed them down (when they realized they were a a problem) every week until they died.

I was not so lucky.  I have flowerbeds.  The vines got in there.  I can't just mow them to death like my neighbors could.  I have pulled them up, but they have deep roots and return.

And I have a few verigated Euonymus shrubs in the flowerbeds that are growing out of control (label said 5' high and 3' wide).  Right.  10' tall and wide is more like it!  And they went all solid green after a few years, so not even much color interest.  I cut them down; they grew back.

Well, it gets worse.  When I first moved here I planted a row of forsythias along the property line (pre-fence).  They are everywhere now!  Cutting them down to the ground doesn't bother them a bit.  They just grow back.  I am nearly at my wit's end between the vines and forsythia!

So it is time for drastic measures (did I mention the poison ivy?).  

I've cut most of the vines to ground level.  I've cut most of the forsythia to ground level.  I've even removed (temporarily) the cat memorial markers.

Iza's is inbetween those now, but I can't find the picture.

But I have been saving large cardbox boxes for a decade.  REALLY large ones.  Like 5' on a side and doubled unfolded.  The memorial garden will be covered with several to smother the cut shrubs and vines and leave a clear space for the markers.

I bought a large roll of black plastic several year ago.  Time to unroll some and cut it to shape to smother the vines elsewhere.  Some collections of desired flowers grow so vigorously, they aren't invaded, so those will be left uncovered.  I have about half the flowerbed to smother though.  The plastic covers will stay there for a year.

It will be ugly.  But I don't see a way around it.  I can dig up a few individual plants surviving among the vines (a single beloved Brunella Frost for example) to move elsewhere.  The Stokes Asters seen resistent to the vines, so they will stay.

But really, I am nearly starting over for 80% of the flowerbed.  Next Fall (assuming the damn vines are actually dead by then) is going to be a busy time.

But I will take a cheerful view.  It's a chance to better this time with new look.  Self-sowing cottage-garden style plants that grow so thickly that they shade out weeds.  Separated by small patches of perennial like Stokes Aster and Autumn Joy Sedums (I love both).  

Autumn Joy Sedum

Blue Danube Stokes Aster - Stokesia laevis - Quart Pot ...

I WILL make my flowerbeds good again!

But, as I said, it sure will look ugly for a year...  Sometimes you have to mess things up before they get better again.

Friday, December 10, 2021

An Interesting Day

Some days are routine, others are not.  I went grocery-shopping.  I have a lot of meat stored away in the freezer, but fruits and veggies don't do well with that so I had to get more.  It's that time of year when many fruits are either not available or poorer quality through long shipping. 

And it has been a hard year for growers.  Haven't seen a peach since September and the plums are gone.  Strawberries have doubled in price.  But blueberries were cheap.  I have no idea why.  Bananas stay cheap.  Apples stay cheap.  So I eat those after dinner.

The grocery store cashier was unusually conversational.  Wanted to know how my day had been.  "average".  Was I happy?  Huh?  Well, I worked in department stores for a few years and every new manager thought we should be "friendlier" on demand so I know how that works.  So I was friendly in return (while watching the checkout display screen like a hawk; they make errors).

But I'm conversational about things that aren't secrets, so we talked.  Then I realized he was just standing there.  He had bagged the last items and handed them to me.  He was waiting for my card in the reader...  He could have mentioned that.

But the weird part of the day came after I got home and put the groceries away.  I knew I had bags of cooked and uncooked meat in both the upstairs and downstairs freezers (or refrigerators).  So I decided to sort them out and put them in meat-specific plastic containers.

Took HOURS!  OMG, I had more pork than I realized.  I think I like cooking more that I like eating.  Its almost a hobby.  And chicken.  And NY Strip steaks.  And Filet Mignon (when on sale).

So I sorted it all out.  I AM organized.  I have individual large plastic containers for each meat that fit perfectly into my basement refrig freezer.  So I put the newest stuff on the bottom of each and the older stuff on top.

But I had WAY too much pork to fit.  Well, I keep containers around, and found one that fit perfectly in the upstairs refrig freezer.  I'll be eating a lot of pork for a while, LOL!  I don't mind that.  Pork is easy to use in many ways.  Stir fries, cubed with gravy, smothered in carmelized onions or bell peppers, added to baked beans, etc.  But I sure won't be buying any for a while!

But I DID get all of it organized, and that was good.  

So what did I have for dinner tonight?  Spaghetti.  I found a frozen hamburger patty in the freezer, so used it up...  Can of crushed tomatoes, saute'd onion and mushroom, crushed garlic, lots of Italian Seasoning.  Touch of sugar and red wine.  Best I've made in a year.

But I really DO have a lot of pork to use up.  Any favorite recipes?

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Pearl Harbor Day

 I'm old, but not so old that I was around on Pearl Harbor Day.  But it WAS "recent history" to me as I grew up.  And as I get older, events like that start to become "past history".  But I do not forget.

The war in the Pacific was brutal.  I had an uncle who fought there (Air Force).  Family lore says he dropped a bomb into a Japanese Destroyer's smokestack ship and blew it up.  The land forces had it harder.  

And I know history.  I know the Japanese actually tried to "declare war" officially preceding the attack but failed  because of translation issues.  And actually, the US fired the first shot on a mini-sub.  Weird stuff happens.

It was an utterly evil and brutish war, similar to the Nazis and Soviets at Moscow.  As US General Sherman once said "War is all Hell".

I don't forget Pearl Harbor.  But sometimes out of chaos comes peace.  The Japanese changed their views to the world.  They, former Nazi Germany, and former Facist Italy are now democracies and allies.  History is weird sometimes.  

The world continues...  But memories linger.  War IS "all Hell".

In Issac Asimov's 'Foundation' books, one character says something like "Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent".  In real history, someone (Bismark?) said war is "the failure of politics".

So I am remembering today as a "failure of politics" that came from a series of historical developments that lead led to utter horror and butchery.  

Still, I cry today the the loss of life...

Sports, 1

I've mentioned University of Maryland basketball success the last couple of posts.   I'm a homie.  I went to college there.  When th...