Monday, August 9, 2021

Hose Repair

I took pictures, so I might as well use them...  :)

One problem with garden hoses is that, if you don't turn off the water, they tend to burst.  I had a 2nd episode of that recently (last one many years ago, so it isn't routine).

I looked out the window a week ago one morning to see water spraying from a broken hose.  I ran out to shut it off of course.  Totally my fault.  

But there are connections to fix such damage and I have a pot of various types.  The usual is a ribbed plastic piece 3" long you insert in the undamaged parts and tighten clamps to seal.

But hoses come in different sizes and I didn't have the right one.  So, maybe off to the DIY store...

Suppose I just considered the cut up hose as "2 hoses" in need of connections?  There are also connections that fix hose ends.  I had a male and a female connector of thge right size for the hose!
So, here is the busted section and the freshly-cut ends to be connected.
I attached the metal male connector just fine, but the female part would simply not push in the other open hose in spite of lubricants and pulling, yanking, and pushing.  

But I had a plastic female connector.  It worked!  

My broken hose now works just fine, 1' shorter.   


Megan said...

Good work!

Sydney, Australia

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

You are a great problem solver...a true Mr Fix It!

pilch92 said...

Looks like the cats scratched the hose. :)

Sports, 2

I've mentioned sports too much.  But I have to tell you about a big event before high school. I played in little league.  I was a terrib...