Monday, August 16, 2021


I mentioned I grow Italian flat pole beans.   I didn't show how large they get.

And they are tender and tasty even at that size!  It doesn't take many to make a good side dish.  And unlike bush beans, once they start producing, they never stop until the first hard freeze!  Cut them up into 1" pieces, simmer in chicken broth or some garlic for extra flavor.  Sometimes I add mushroom bits.

Quite aside from that, I set out mosquito traps starting in April when the local mosquito eggs hatch from over-wintering.  The female mosquitos always need to find a water source for the eggs to hatch in so I give them some.  With Bt dunks in them (sized to the container - half sized for the small pond, smaller for the water jugs).  BWA-HA-HA...  The Bt is a bacteria that only attacks mosquito larva.  The eggs go into tempting water jugs and adult mosquitos never come out!  They are cheap too.  Find them in any DIY box store or online.

Bt is safe for people, pets, fish, and almost anything else.

I have about a dozen wide-mouth jars baited around the yard.  And I add some to any planter trays where water can collect.  There are other place that can be overlooked.  Rain gutters, downspouts, etc.  I make sure those drain well.

I even found an old turtle shell upside down (poor turtle) with water in it, so I turned that over to drain.  I'm sure there are some small water-sources that elude me.  I DO get bitten sometimes (aloe works well, but 1% Hydroxine works better - either is better than nothing).

I have been using Repel Lemon Oil Eucalyptus rather that Deet the past 2 years.  Both got equal ratings from Consumer Reports, but I read that Deet is slightly bothersome to cats.


Megan said...

Very interesting. Mosquitoes aren't a problem where we live. Snakes, wallabies, bandicoots etc etc - yep, got them, but at least the mozzies leave us alone.

Sydney, Australia

pilch92 said...

They are big beans. I wish we had grown some this year.

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