Saturday, February 6, 2021

Fixing My Computer World

There are computer problems you expect and ones you don't.  I have been gradually examining all my apps to see which aren't 64 bit.  There are a LOT, so I have some work to do.  That is likely the source of most of my problems.

I have also added a Password Manager and better security software.  Until I actually go through them, though, they actually cause problems.  For example, when is the last time you turned on your computer to be met with the sound of a growling lion?  That surprised ME for sure.  It turned out it was a signal from the security app that I had malware ad apps that needed attending-to.  Not the easiest way to start a day, LOL!

Fortunately, Consumer Reports magazine has a 10 part step-by-step article on computer security.  I will follow that over the next week.  Some I learned myself; some I was not so aware of.  For example, I had just gotten their recommended password manager, but I also just acquired my first smartphone and was clueless.  So it is very helpful (and includes things I don't have but you might).

I will be spending some time following MOST recommendations.  I have a problem with deleting cache and cookies.  It always causes problems getting into some standard sites.  For example, I deleted them on recommendation from my security software (which, naturally, I don't want to identify for security reasons, LOL!).

But it took me almost an hour to get back into  Apparently, I have it directly through Google, and they didn't want to recognize me for Feedly.  I got around it, but it took a while.  I'll be more careful of security advice.  After all, their purpose is "security", not "accessibility".  

My password manager may help on that, but my list is daunting.  I have so MANY sites with accounts.  Well, time to trim the list.  Many sites are old, and some are easy to access once a year as a "guest". 

Such fun!

Like, I only order seeds once a year.  I don't need to keep track of an account with 6 companies when I really only order from 1 or 2.  And entering my address once a year as a "guest" isn't worth keeping track of username/password.

Simplify and update.  Keep a clean machine.  Search for and delete 32 bit old stuff and replace with 64 bit apps.  That's my new rule...

After that, get my darn email straightened out.  I may reduce to one.  Having several themed-accounts was nice when it was supported by Verizon, but it is getting impossible to keep them working on AOL (which Verizon sold my account to).  Time to accept the inevitable and go with one.  

And that "one" will be "".   The others receive but replies stick in the outbox.  I will miss them, but I won't keep fighting about them.  You can always reach me at  The others are less certain and will vanish eventually.  But they receive so it's OK to use them for the time being.

One Day At A Time...


Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Computers are so time consuming....I had some issues with the 32/64 bit stuff too. I let hubby do the security junk for me. Its always on the 'honey do' list:)

I added the cavebear address to my contacts, for future reference...

Megan said...

Ugh ugh ugh. I've long ago given up and now pay someone to do this stuff for me.

Sydney, Australia

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

OH, where is the fun in THAT? LOL!

Actually, I suspect the 1st time I hire someone, I will NEVER have any idea what to do after. So I trudge on persistently and with grimace. There will come a day when I can't, but it is not THIS day. LOL!

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