Saturday, August 24, 2019

Idiots Everywhere

My next door neighbor cut down most of the hedge between her and the farther neighbor 2 months ago.  It might have been by agreement, but I wonder if they know (as only I do being here before both of them) that the hedge was planted by the previous owner of the OTHER house. 

Not all that important, but that same immediate neighbor decided to burn the dried hedge material in the back yard.  Under small dry trees.  Among other dry debris.  Next to my wood fence...

Fortunately, I happened to step out side and heard the very distinct sound of a crackling fire.

Seriously, there was dry brush from the original burning spot all the way to my fence.  I told her it was very dangerous for several obvious reasons and that she needed to put it out.  She said OK and told her child to bring water.  It came in a child's pail which the woman splashed around a bit.  But they did that several times and it appeared to be extinguished.  The woman went inside; I stayed out to watch.  Fortunately it really was out.

Who is dumb enough to burn dry brush under dry trees near a wood fence?

Just a few minutes ago, I went to the local 7-11 literally midnight, and there was a teenager who just sailed through a busy intersection (with no overhead lights) on a black push scooter.  Wearing black clothes.  I only saw him in the headlights as I turned.  And I hit the brakes.  Another driver turning oppositely almost hit him too. 

Is there something in the water that is making people stupid?


Just Ducky said...

they get it from the president.

Mickey's Musings said...

I often wonder that too :/
LOL at Just Ducky's comment :)

Megan said...

Now now people ... don't get all political on this blog! (LOL)

Mark, I think the explanation is the good ole' "It won't happen to me" story. Nasty accidents and incidents only happen to OTHER people, don't you know? That is, until they happen to you or a close friend or a family member.

Sydney, Australia

suzanprincess said...

My theory is that the intelligence-challenged procreate faster and more often, thereby progressively upping the stupidity level overall. Genetics DO make a difference!

Also, common courtesy and being aware of consequences of one's actions both seem to have declined in my lifetime, recently with a definite link to the actions of the current occupant of the Oval Office and his ilk. (That's an observation of facts, not a political comment.)

pilch92 said...

We can only burn from January-May 1st. That was very stupid.

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