Saturday, June 15, 2013

Some Evil Squirrels

Some evil squirrels are about to die.  I do not find pleasure in this.  I admire squirrels in many ways; they are clever, agile, and adaptive and I generally respect that.  I even think they are "cute".  I set up two squirrel baffles on the bird-feeder and I thought we had reached an understanding.  They couldn't reach the birdfeeder, but they were welcome to the seeds that fell.

But one one small group of them in a particular community learn to survive by eating every unripe apple, pull up every pole bean seedling, dig up every corn seedling, and pull off every heirloom tomato fruit , I have to put a stop to it.

I had squirrels around for the first 24 years here and never had a problem.  2 years ago , they suddenly learned to eat my tomatoes.  Last year, they started to eat my bean seedling.  This year, they are tearing up any plant I plant.

I wasn't sure it was really squirrels until yesterday when I caught them in the act.  There were 3 squirrels in the garden at the places where I am losing plants that I am growing for my food!  I know the direction they come from. 

I seriously think it is just one group of squirrels.  I intend to kill them as serious varmints.

I have several Hav-A-Hart live traps and one is sized for squirrels.  But I must mention that I am only using Hav-A-Hart traps so that I won't catch innocent animals like my cats or other cats.  Any squirrel I catch in the direction of the cadre that destroys my garden will die.

They have pulled up all my corn seedlings 3 times, my beans 3 times and half my cucumbers up twice.  I admire squirrels a lot, but when it comes to MY food, they are going to lose.  Its not ALL the squirrels; its only the ones that come from one direction and I'm going to get THOSE!

The most humane way I know to kill varmints is drowning.  I tried stabbing them with arrows through the cage screen, but it didn't work fast.  So I just drown them.  Its not as bad as you think.  They move around confused for a minute, then blurp an exhalation.  Then they are gone.

I expect some complaints, but I've tried different ways and that is the fastest I've found.

But if it is a contest between my growing veggies for my own food and allowing the squirrels to stop me from growing my own food, the squirrels are going to lose gradually and eventually.


Tina T-P said...

you gotta do whatcha gotta do - that's farming...

Maybe that's what's eating The Shepherd's corn & beans - didn't think of squirrels.... T.

Unknown said...

Squirrels!!!! We have deer, they are like rodents here, we need a cull, but we are too far removed from anywhere for our complaints to be heard, and the Quail have been eating the seeds and seedlings... For some reason Kosmo leaves them alone, now I need to watch for squirrels too!?!
Oh No!!!

Anonymous said...

I know someone who solved this problem with a large tub and sunflower seeds. Put the tub in their path with something next to it so they can get to the top easily. Fill it part way with water, and float sunflower seeds on top. The squirrels will take it from there.

Katnip Lounge said...

I've eaten squirrel--it's good fried and stewed. You KNOW they're gonna be tender, eating all your veggies!

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