Saturday, June 17, 2023

No Rain

Another day of predicted rain that didn't fall.    1.5" of rain in 6 weeks, and that was mostly 6 weeks ago.

I support some shrubs with a 5 gallon bucket with a small hole drilled in the bottom.  It drips slowly out and gets down into the root zone.  Very little wasted water that way.  It's for their survival, not thriving.  

The front yard tree looks wilted and the grass is brown.  It is too early for the grass to go dormant, so I think I will have to water it deeply.  I don't like to do that, but it seems necessary.  And it will be for a couple of hours.  Most people water their lawns shallowly, which brings the roots to the surface, which causes the roots to dry out faster.  Deep watering, when you have to do it, encourages them deeper.

I do a cat food can test.  Set an can out on the lawn where the sprinkler hits.  When it is filled, you gave the lawn  1" of water.  It needs that much per week.

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