Friday, August 19, 2022

More Wine

I've mentioned before that I really like a particular inexpensive Old Vine Zinfandel made by Twisted Cellars in California.   My local source said they couldn't get it anymore.  So I ordered it from a shop in another State that is willing to ship it UPS.  

I received 8 cases Tuesday (I'm a few days behind with posts here - too many different things going on lately).  They arrive in the sturdiest cardboard boxes you ever saw, and packed with styrofoam peanuts.  Which is great for shipping but messy to unpack.  

Well, I had to unpack them all first.  They idea of having styrofoam peanuts fall onto the basement floor everytime I pulled a bottle out was just too much routine cleaning for a basement.  So, anticipating that, I had driven the car  out of the garage so I had room to work.  

The shipping boxes are large.  Too large for efficient storage.  But I had saved the smaller wine boxes from the local seller.  I set up an assembly-line transfer from the shipping boxes to the smaller retail ones.  

It was a productive hour.  Shipping case uprighted and tape cut.  Pull bottles out and let the styrofoam fall to the floor.  Put the bottles into the old boxes (smaller, but they fit).  Carry the smaller boxes into the basement (cool enough for red wine).  Repeat...

Eventually I had all the bottles in smaller more-stackable boxes all set into a corner of the basement, 8 boxes with styrofoam, and styrofoam all over the garage floor.  A snow shovel is great for a large volume of light-weight stuff.  

A trash barrel was too large for the bags I had, so I used a bar-clamp to tighten the bag.  I dumped the styrofoam in the bag from both the shipping boxes and spills.  Filled it perfectly.

I now have 10-12 months worth of a liked wine all set in stored boxes.  

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Indoors Rain

There was a ferocious downpour here Wednesday night (we got 4" in 2 hours).  I was  preparing dinner and heard an odd dripping sound.  Water was suddenly coming from my ceiling!  I ran to grab some plastic bins from the basement.  Just in time, too.  It got worse real fast, coming from 3 spots close by, but mostly from where I had a plant-hanger ceiling hook.  

Fortunately, the rain did not last as long as forecast, so it could have been a lot worse.  And I didn't sleep well later, listening for more rain.  I had a branch poke a hole in the roof (at a different spot) 10 years ago and had the plywood replaced and the whole roof re-shingled (it was 25 years old anyway).  

So in the morning, I called the original installer to repair the leaky roof.  First, they knew the roof, and second, since 10 years isn't long for a roof, I figured they owed me a decent price.

He said he couldn't get out to me until Monday.  That made sense, downpours get them real busy.  Maybe I should have called a couple other roofers, but at the moment I was fixated of having the original installer do it.  

I was fortunate that rain forecast for Thursday-Sunday didn't happen.  Monday morning, he called to say it would have to be Tuesday.  Thankfully he showed up Tuesday.

Funny story there.  When I pulled the original installation documents from my paper files, they were only 5 miles away from here.  I discovered (when he called Monday) that he had moved 2 counties away since then AND mostly just did work for businesses these days.  But, because he did the re-shingling, he would come out and fix it.  And because I still had a pack of the existing shingles, he agreed it was likely to be a quick job.

And he arrived Tuesday and did the repair.  There were 2 missing shingles.  He replaced those and 2 others (just to be sure).

He was friendly, and the cost was OK.  But he also pointed out the shingles had been missing for a while.

Mea Culpa!  I had found a couple of shingles on the lawn last year.  But my upwind neighbor has about the same color shingles and I thought they were his (blown into my yard in a windstorm).  Really, I looked at my roof from the front and back then and couldn't see any missing.  It was a bad assumption!  

Last month, I happened to use a flashlight in the front hall closet (near where last week's leaks occurred).  The ceiling was black with mold.  I should have called a roofer immediately, but I assumed that since my attic is gets very humid, it was just something to clean and repaint with anti-mold paint.

Well, I was wrong, and paid for my procrastination!

I have stipple ceilings.  I didn't ask for them when the house was built, but I generally like them.  Visual stimulation...  But they are more expensive to repair.  So "great", now I have stains in it in 3 places and there is a 4' mildly broken line in the ceiling.  Apparently, stipple is formed on a 4'x4' support and one edge is loose.

But it all could have been worse and on Thankful Thursday, I am thankful for that...

1.  The roofer went out of his territory to do the repair.

2.  The cost was low.

3.  The ceiling didn't actually fall down.

4.  It didn't rain more even though forecast to do so.

5.  The damage is fixable.

6.  I learned a lesson about procrastination.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Good Deed

I ran some errands and went grocery shopping Monday.  But I got to my car with one more bag than I should have.  I only realized it because there was a liter bottle of Coke sticking up and I don't buy those.  And I don't buy anything else that was in the bag.  I checked my receipt and I wasn't charged for the stuff.

Somehow, someone else's bag had been left behind and was sitting next to my stuff.  I went back in to the same cashier and there was a person talking to her and pointing to a receipt.  That solved the problem PDQ!

Felt good all the way home.  

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Yard Flowers

This hasn't been my best year for flowers in the yard.  Last year, I couldn't do much after falling off the extension ladder, this Spring was unusually wet, and I wasn't feeling very active.  Weeds are everywhere, and there are just so many hours in the day to try to dig them out.

And the meadow flower seedlings I bought and planted This Spring won't flower until next year.  I do expect some good results from them then, but have to wait.

There was some successes though.  There were Black-Eyed Susans growing where I wanted to plant my tomatoes this year and I dug up a dozen or so and moved them to the meadow garden.  About half survived and are blooming in several spots like this.

And some choose their own place so there are more transplant opportunities this Fall (when they are likely to transplant better).

One of my Daylilies decided to bloom a 2nd time just this week.  May be a good mutation.  I may divide those and give them a separate spot of their own to see if they keep re-blooming.  You never know if you accidentally have a better plant.  

Some good news...  The commercial poison ivy spray works.  I tried spraying them with vinegar, but they were too tough for that.  I try to stay organic, but there are limits.  The poison ivy is spreading though the back yard and has to be killed.  

Here is one nice picture of dead ones...

And here are more, dying.  A beautiful sight.  

There are more.  I use a small pump spray bottle (wearing disposal latex gloves and washing my hands afterwards).  But it gets easier to see where the surviving ones are seeing the dead ones, LOL!


Friday, August 12, 2022

The Veggies

 My Spring Garden didn't really happen this year.  Started late and got lazy.  But I found a list of what could be started later for Fall harvest and decided to give it a try.  And since things are warming up these years, my growing season is lasting 2 weeks later that when I first moved here.

So I have young veggies growing...

I usually hang cherry tomatoes in a pot off the deck.  They just hang down and I can pick a few as I walk by.  This year, I just put 2 of them in a pot on the deck floor, and let them drape over.  But 4 side-stems grew high, so I put stakes in the pot and attached the up-growing stems to them.

And, yes, you might notice the thermometer reads "100".  That was in the shade of late afternoon.  Temperatures are crazy everywhere!

The main tomato patch is doing well.  I hadn't planted heirloom tomatoes (more vulnerable to diseases than hybrids, but they taste way better) there for years , so the soil has less diseases to bother them.  

You can see some tomatoes maturing here...  They grew faster in Summer heat than Spring-planted ones.

The deck cherry tomatoes that were draped over the edge are starting to ripen.

These bell peppers will be transplanted into larger pots this week.  It is late for them outside, but I am going to experiment with growing them inside.  My idea is to place them at the unmovable side of the south-facing deck door and put a mirror behind them to reflect unabsorbed sunlight.  Well, it won't cost me anything to try.

I got a free packet of chives with a seed order, so I planted them.  Not quite sure what to do with them, though.  In salads, sprinkled on chicken or pork, added to eggrolls?

The purple scallions have been growing great.  They taste slightly different from the regular green ones.  I add the tops to salads and sauces.

I bought a packet of round carrots out of curiosity this year.  The first batch died, the leaves knocked over into the soil by watering.  The 2nd planting is doing much better.  I've been dribbling water onto the soil between them this time.  

My lettuces all wore out after many "cut and grow back" cycles, so I need to replant.  They will grow fast in Summer heat and then mature in cooler Fall weather.  I grow enough to always have a green and a red leaf lettuce mature enough to cut.  It is great to be able to just walk out on the deck and harvest a whole salad. 

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Deck Flowers

I threw some cheap seedlings (marigolds and dianthus) into the deck pots this year.  I usually grow my own fancier ones, but things were busy.  Actually they have grown nicely and are flowering well.  Basically, color matters most and I have that, so I'm happy.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Mean Critter

Some critter at all my Pak Choy leaves!  

 Oh, that was mean...  I use them to roll up in my egg rolls (I enjoy them a lot).  They protect the uncooked veggies from poking through the wrapper.  Yes, I could use leafy-lettuce leaves, but the Pak Choy is a member of the cabbage family and it adds some flavor.  And besides, it is traditional.

I suppose I tempted the critter.  There was a strong wind-storm coming, so I placed the tray on the deck so it wouldn't get blown over (it happened once).  This time I'l just wrap a wire around the tray for stability.

And, of course, I can't feel safe even eating the new-growth.  There might be some "critter-slobber" (and think "disease") on the plants.  I'll dump the soil, bleach the tray, and plant new ones.

I was really looking forward to using them.  They were just the right size.  Oh well, critters get some outdoor veggies sometimes.  They are hungry too.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Various Stuff

 Yeah, just "stuff".

1.  Brought my electric mower to the designated repair store last week.  Bought it from Home Depot last year.  One day, the blade stopped turning.  At least it is still under warrantee.  But I didn't know that Home Depot owned Ryobi.  So actually, there was not really anywhere else I could have brought it too.  They will contact me in about a week to tell me if the repair is warranteed.  I bet 50% no.  But I will still have it repaired if half the cost of a new one.

2.  I was late planting my heirloom tomatoes.  In 2016, I had a bowlful by this time...

3.  Have to show you this...

I had 2 others (with different faces) 40 years ago, but a clumsy housemate broke 2.  I got my own house shortly after that to escape such people.  Been happy on my own ever since.

4.  Have a list of house improvements/maintenance, but tree work comes first as one dead tree can reach the house and the storms blow in that direction.  So safety first, improvements second.  The 3rd tree service bid will come after a visit Monday.  It will be good to have the dead trees safely removed.  Then I can focus on the house.

5.  I grow a lot of small leafy crops in planters on the deck.  On a good time they look like this...

You can cut them back several times and they re-grow.  but eventually, they don't grow back.  And I had new Boy Choy growing, but some critter came up on the deck the other day and ate them all.  Have to replant inside under lights.

6.  Have corn, beans, and cukes growing.  There is still time til harvest.  And some crops like broccoli, carrots, and spinach can be planted in 2 weeks here for harvesting in the cool weather of October/November.

I Have New Neighbors

 One house across the street had the detached shed catch fire about a year+ ago.  It also damaged one side of the house, but I didn't se...