Saturday, August 15, 2020

Forge Of Empires

'Forge Of Empires'.  The commercial was good, so I tried it.  Its free to play.  On the other hand, it is slow to develop playing free.  You can buy Diamonds (the real coin of the game), but that is sort of like paying every time you put on a pair of shoes.  The obvious commercial strategy of the developers is to sell Diamonds.

OK, let's say you are cheap (like me) and just want to build a village for free.  You can, but you are in a limited space for days (been at this 2 days on and off).  You can.  It doesn't seem to get you anywhere though.

The site offers 50 diamonds for your email address.  I think that says it all.  Can't get much anywhere in the game without them, and you can't earn then (at least at the start).  I can earn gold by the tn, but can't figure out how to spend it.

One neat positive thing is that  you can look at every building and know how long it takes for it to "produce" in real time.  Wealth weapons, culture, whatever.  I did like that part.

They want you to buy diamonds.  That's about it from their POV.

Tried 'Call To Arms'.  Same trick to sell you game-bennies.

I better get my old Windows 98 computer fixed so I can play Civilization II.  You pay for the game, but no add-on sales.  Better game too.. 

OK, I deleted Forge Of Empires...  Suckers game...


Megan said...

Rats! Still, it was good to give it a whirl. Pity that they seemed so focussed on making money.

Sydney, Australia

AnnDee said...

Thanks for the warning. Not that I was overly tempted. I have high resistance to advertising, and great reluctance to pay for anything I haven't already decided to buy.

A Small Computer Victory

 My new laptop has only a power port and 2 USB-C ports.  Very annoying.  Couldn't plug in a flashdrive or much anything else.  But I did...