Monday, July 6, 2020

The Veggie Garden

Yeah, the Spring crops failed.  I was a slacker about watering.  Paid too little attention.  It SEEMED it was raining enough, but seedlings are so demanding.  And I was distracted by other concerns at critical times. 

So I focussed on the Mid-Summer plantings for Fall crops for once.  I normally don't, but when it is July and the veggie beds are mostly barren, why not?

The wide shot...
The first corn...
And a 2nd on the left
Cukes look healthy...
Flat Italian pole beans are growing up the trellis.  I actually have 2 trellisses of them.  You can't have too many beans!
This is a volunteer daisy.  I'm leaving it because it attracts good bugs.
The tomatoes are growing an inch a day in the warmth and sun.  I might get fruits in early September.  And for 2 more months after.  It stays warm here alost 2 weeks longer than when I moved here 34 years ago.
Leeks.  Good with cream of potato soup. I don't bother to grow potatoes anymore since my favorites (Yukon Gold) are in the grocery stores these days and taste the same.  Some crops are worth growing because they taste better fresh.  Potatoes are not one of them.
Yellow squash seedlings.  I'll select the best one and pull the other 2.  I have another close to there for cross-pollination.
One framed bed is currently dedicated to transplants.  This Knockout Rose has no smell but lovely flowers.  The insects don't bother it at all (because no smell, I assume).  I will take cuttings from it to multiply.
And I have discovered something odd about my camera.  It just won't focus well on solid red flowers.  I tried these on macro, normal and at a distance enlarged.  It all comes out the same bit fuzzy.  Same with the Maltese Cross flower - solid red and I can't get a sharp pic.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Yaaaay. Thanks for the pics. I always love seeing your vegetable garden. Fingers crossed that they deliver in a few weeks' time.

Sydney, Australia

Sports, 1

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