Sunday, November 24, 2019

Product Question

I have a 60" LED TV.  The sound is "OK".  I've looked at ratings for sound bars at Consumer Reports and Amazon.  What I can't figure out is whether a sound bar would actually provide better sound than the TV already does that I would care about.

And the price varies so much!  Is any of it worth it?


Megan said...

I'm afraid that not only don't I have the technical nous to be able to help, I also don't have a refined enough 'ear' to be able to tell the difference between good speakers and crummy speakers. It sounds to me (excuse the pun) as though a period spent with Mr Google might be of help.

Sydney, Australia

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Thank you Megan. My 'bad ear" is part of my problem. I'm not sure how to tell if there would be a difference. I dislike going to a real store to test out a product and buy it elsewhere afterwards. But it might be that I could learn if there actually IS a difference.

And if so, buy it there if they got even close to the cheaper online source. I do want there to be local actual stores.

Actually, you just helped me decide what to do. I'll go to the local stores with the Consumer Report Ratings in my pocket and see if I need a sound bar at all. And buy locally.

OK, one indecision off my list...

Thumper said...

A good sound bar can be so much better than the TV speakers...unless you have a TV with great speakers. We used a Bose soundbar for years with our previous TV and the difference was spectacular. The current TV has speakers that sound just as good as the Bose it really depends.

We spent a lot of time playing with displays at Best Buy and the Bose stores in malls near here before we pulled the trigger on one. Going from store to store is a pain, but worth it.

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