Saturday, January 5, 2019

A New Year Indeed!

I won't hide it.  I'm pleased the Democrats got a good grip on the House.  Trump had his 2 years with the Republicans in charge of every part of Govt and got nothing done except corruption and waste by his Secrataries and roolbacks of agency rules designed to protect the environment and consumer protections, etc.

I know some won't agree.  Tough...  I hated most everything Trump and his people did. 

Its not politics, I don't care which party is in power.  I just care what they do.

The tax cut was just a gift to the rich.  The environmental pullbacks were harsh.  We are practically drowning in energy, do we need to kill the last salmon spawning or caribou mating ground to get more? 

We just learned a few months ago that dragonflies migrate in great numbers like birds, just hard to notice.  Who cares?  I do.  You know what eats most mosquitos?  Dragonflies.  So I learned that dragonflies don't just live in local ponds and emerge every year to eat mosquitos.

No, They migrate South for a generation, stay there a 2nd, and then move North again to eat the mosquitoes.  Every one notices butterflies (and they have pollination value) but no one notices drafgonflies.  A trained observer was shocked to see dragonflies coming over a sand dune once, and said it was a half-mile wide and lasted hours. 

So what eats at me is that Trump not only appoints people to jobs to understand about wildlife like dragonflies, he MAY NOT EVEN KNOW WHAT THEY ARE!

He sure doesn't know much about anything.  He knows how to make money by pretending to make money.  He cheats.  He steals.  He dinishes everything he touches.  He is not even good at business. 

If he had just taken the money his dad gave him by the time he was an adult and put it into simple index funds, he would be richer than he is today.

He is a fake and a phony.  He is worse than The Wizard Of Oz.  At least THAT GUY admitted he was a fake.

Madame Speaker Pelosi is going to take Trump by the scruff of his orange neck and shake him flat like a bear rug. 

He corrupt of his administration will be revealed and brought to account for their personal and official greed.  His family will be next like the Bourbons of French infamy who drempt that they deserved titles and great wealth just for being born as they were. 

And we will equally (and quite legally) cast out the new wannabe Trump dynasty in the 2020 election.

We have never been so close to a dictatorship as we are now with the Trump Family.  The family is running the Govt as a profit center unlike anything the 1900 Robber Barons dreamed of doing.  And that is why they must all be removed...

They are a challenge to our whole system of Govt.  They obey no rules or customs.  They will break any law, thinking they are free of them.  The whole family must go, and for once in our nation's history, we need to bring them to the courts for actual punishment.

We need to see that done so that we can be assured that we are NOT a banana republic.  I apologise for the phrase, but it applies.


Megan said...

In Australia, the reporting on US politics tends to focus on the weird and wacky, so it's unlikely to be fair or reasonable. It does seem, however, that the Trump White House is weirder and wackier than most of the past. Trump comes across as a spoilt five year old child: "I want, I want, I want". Not interested in facts. Tells lies - or just makes things up - to suit the message. Immature control of emotions - inclined to trantrums.

But ... perhaps not a bad negotiator - simply because he doesn't follow the 'rules' of polite, political/commercial behaviour, but is totally unreasonable and unbending. Those traits may stand the US in good stead in discussions with China and North Korea! LOL

It's all quite worrying, isn't it?
Sydney, Australia

pilch92 said...

Very interesting about the dragonflies. I don't know enough about politics to comment on them.

catladymac said...

Amen, Brother !

And the last 3 weeks have only confirmed it !

suzanprincess said...

I just read one of the best commentaries yet on the Toddler in Chief; thank you, Mark, for writing it!

Now a question: How can I get your blog to my inbox? I've signed up, but I only get Mark's Mews--which I love; I always read it first cuz I know it'll be cat-full, interesting and short!
susanprincess at att dot net

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