Thursday, November 12, 2015

Utterly Disgusted

I am so utterly disgusted, I could bite real nails.  I just spent 3 1/2 hours finding and escaping from a housing nightmare.  Never mind the 15 minutes I spent discovering that most everything advertised about it was *koff, koff* wrong.

The 1.36 acres was barely .5, the apparently open lot (from the pictures) was covered by junk trees, etc.  OK, sure the agents (and I won't name names) want to put the best spin on things, but I consider them lower than smiley used car salesmen...

(Disclaimer:  If you are an honorable real estate agent, I honor you for being in the honorable minority.  The rest of you agents can go eat hot coals somewhere).

So I guess I will stay here for another 30 years and fix up the place.  Or do what my Dad did the last 2 times and buy a property then hire a general contractor to put a house on it.  And oh how I wish I had Dad here to ask about THAT process now.  I waited 5 years too long...

You can look at the ground and have a good idea what you are getting.  Lot owners know their property to the sq inch.  And you can look at floorplans and previously-built houses like that and get a good idea what you are getting from a builder.  They know the house to the sq inch.   But when you talk to a real estate agent selling a home for an owner, you DON'T have the slightest idea what you are getting.  To them, feet are yards and yards are miles... 

I've known more honest carnival barkers...

So, if you will excuse me, I have a large bottle of average Zinfandel to drain today...

Disgusted Mark...


Katie Isabella said...

That totally stinks! I am sorry you had to go through that sort of disappointment Mark. STINKS!!!

Megan said...

Huh? What did I miss? You went looking at alternative housing? Why?

Sydney, Australia

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

I feel for you we finally found a decent real estate agent who actually showed us stuff in our price range that was what we were looking for. But the others..............insisted on showing us stuff that was either out of our price range or was NOT in any way shape form or fashion what we were looking for a complete waste of time.

In all honesty we discovered our home when we were driving to see yet another house that wasn't what we wanted. It had a for sale by owner sign in the front and I wrote it down as we speed past to look at the "not what we wanted" with the real estate agent.

So don't give up you will find what you want if you keep looking but in all honesty real estate agents aren't much use.

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