So I left the last one half done for a week and did other stuff. Well, I am happy to report that I finished it today. No more digging in that soil...
There are 3 edged areas.
The far one has perennial wildflowers mixed in with enough compost to barely cover. I have no idea what will happen there. The package of seeds did not specify which plants were, and they grow so slowly that I won't recognize any until they bloom, and there were already some small weeds growing there. I might end up nurturing 400 sq ft of weeds until next Summer when I see nothing blooming when I have to replant more carefully.
The middle smaller area is for Lychimartra Firecracker, a lovely bronze foliage plant about 24" high with lots of small yellow flowers. But it is a bit invasive and needs to be contained by itself. It has its own 200 sq ft circle so that I can mow around it!
The nearest area, also 400 sq ft will be a combination of daffodils, tulips, and hyacinths for Spring color; with transplants of purple coneflowers, black-eyed-susans, and goldenrod for Summer and Fall color. Plus I plan to add a few dwarf butterfly bushes. I may get a package of seeds of plants that attract butterflies and bees to scatter among the plants next Spring.
This last area will take some work planting. Tulips and Hyacinths don't last long here because of the voles, so I have to make cages to plant them in. The daffodils are fine without cages, being toxic. But the bulbs haven't been delivered yet, and the transplants still have green leaves so I can't move them yet.
Which means I can start on the new border of the older flowerbed (up against the fence to the left of the above picture). I originally planted the border with alternating 12" sections of yellow then purple crocuses. And 4" gaps between sections for annual Summer flowers. The voles ate most of the crocus bulbs in just a few years, so this time, I am planting them in cages. I'll still leave a 4" gap between the cages because it is nice to have Summer flowers there too and change them each year (yellow marigolds one year, dusty miller the next, orange zinnias after that, etc).
At least I don't have to install more edging there. It's already in place! And the soil there is soft and the border is the width of my spade. "Piece of cake". Right? Yeah, right...
Fortunately, the weather is forecast to stay nice into mid-November, so I may get away with all this before the first hard freeze hits. But I had better get working of those cages. Two sizes of cages actually. 8"L x 6"W x 4"H for the crocus bulb border (so I need about 50 of those). I haven't decided on the size of the cages for the tulip and hyacinth bulbs yet. I need to sit down and diagram cages what use a 3' wide roll of wire mesh efficiently.
But I have the crocus bulbs now, so they come first. The tulip cages can wait a few days... But they will look basically like this...
12-18" square, 6" high. It only needs making a wood form to bend the wire mesh over. Not that that takes no time, but it beats buying cages at $30 each!
Is that one of the cages that you've made? or a pic from elsewhere that you're using as a model? It does seem like a lot of work, but I guess it's something that you'll only need to do once, isn't it? And it sure beats feeding the voles.
Sydney, Australia
Excellent. You are very good at getting things in order and finding a way to accomplish that.
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