Wednesday, July 3, 2013

I Caught A Squirrel

WARNING:  Squirrel death ahead...  Read or not, your choice.

Yeah, it was one of the Bad Grove Gang, at least from the direction it entered the live trap.  I baited the center release lever with a smear of peanut butter, but I also placed a small dab on both ends  assuming it would lick that off before going for the large smear.  So I know the direction it came from.  It has gone to Happy Squirrel Acorn Acres...

Peanut butter works...

I don't really want to kill any animals.  I stopped hunting 40 years ago because causing unnecessary pain seemed wrong.   If the squirrels had limited their hunger to fallen sunflower seeds and acorns, I would have just admired their antics and left them alone.  I even forgave them stealing all my apples.  I didn't spray the apples so none were ever really worth eating anyway.  When they started taking my heirloom tomatoes last year I got angry about it.  But when they wouldn't even leave bean, corn, and cucumber seedlings to grow this year, I drew the line.  I have a right to a garden.

I have read many websites about the lack of success of relocating squirrels and humane killing methods.  Relocation doesn't work well.  First, most anyplace suitable to a common animal like squirrels is filled to capacity.  Most young resident squirrels are driven out to unsuitable places and starve.

Second, any newly introduced squirrel that does succeed means that just one more resident squirrel won't.  It's a zero-sum game for the squirrels.

Third, relocation of varmints is generally illegal.  The idea is that you can't transport your problem to someone else.  Its like trying to get rid of a color on a Rubik's Cube by moving the pieces around.

I am vaguely disturbed by the idea that I am actively eliminating the MOST successful and adaptive squirrels.  I LIKE evolution.  But I suppose that is entirely the point of this effort.  I want DUMB squirrels here...

The live trap allows me to catch varmints with causing them the pain of a snap trap or the danger of catching a cat.  That doesn't mean I use it to let them live.  I can't shoot them through a small mesh cage, I can't inject them with a forever-sleep drug, and I can't stab them fatally fast

My wheelbarrow holds JUST enough water to cover the live trap.  The squirrel was gone in 15 seconds.  Its the fastest way I can use and they don't seem to know what is happening until a very sudden end.  It didn't even move around.

I don't want to draw this out and I probably won't give details again.  I know I can't kill all the squirrels; I don't want to.  I just need to eliminate the few squirrels who have learned to attack my garden.  I would be perfectly happy just to have new squirrels who live off the acorns from the 2 massive old oaks and the nuts from the beech tree on the property.

I've given this post a lot of thought (1.5 hours).  Best I can do...

UPDATE:  7 am 7-3-13..  Make that 2 evil squirrels.... If I can find the smallest bit of good news, they apparently breathe fast.  The 2nd was dead in less than 10 seconds.  I force myself to watch this so that I know what I am doing.  The faster the end, the better, and they go fast!  But the live-trap is reset with fresh peanut butter...


Megan said...

I admire your thoughtfulness on this topic Mark as well as your capacity to actually act - I don't think I could do it! You're not decimating a species of endangered animals and you're acting humanely. I can't think of anything more that could be asked or expected of it in the circumstances.

Sydney, Australia

Katnip Lounge said...

I totally understand. You are doing as nature intended--eat or be eaten.

Tina T-P said...

It's farming - you have to get rid of the varmints...and at least you are doing in in a pretty humane way instead of shooting at them and maybe missing or hitting someone's cat (or your own cat) or injuring them so they have a horrid death. Maybe the rest of them will notice that their friends don't come back when they go into your yard and stay away :-) T.

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