Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Last Years

The past couple of months have seen a substantial decrease in Dad’s ability to comprehend the world in general.  I am putting it that way to spare having to give all the details of previous posts.  He just doesn’t understand much of anything these days.  He has brief bursts of comprehension that make thinks awkward. 

He asked me today why he was having so much trouble moving around and why it was so hard just to get dressed.  He asked why he couldn’t understand documents and bills he gets in the mail.  Dad always taught me that honesty was the most important thing in his life.  I’m learned that well. 

I told him that his muscles are getting weaker and that his mind was not as sharp as it was 50 years ago.  Surely those are obvious things.  He said “No, that’s not the problem; I must have a disease”.

How do I explain his “disease” is just old age?  As in the plant analogy, I see Dad’s leaves falling everyday.  There aren’t many left to fall.  When I try to explain that he is “just plain old”, he denies it saying he is just fine.

I have started to visit assisted living facilities.  The first one, Morningside House was GREAT, but I see after looking over the details that they will soon get him to over $10,000 per month from the initial $5300.  The add-ons are outrageous.  They will charge him $1379/month for managing his 3 simple pill medications, $25/month for getting his meds (which cost only $2.50), $70 for every transportation to a DR, and they make a fortune for incontinence.  Its a wonderful place, but they will drain every dime from his pocket and discharge him when he is broke.  And Dad would never accept the basic cost anyway.  I had such high hopes for Morningside House until I (and my sister Susie) starting getting into the details.

I have an appointment with a simpler group house later today.  Sister Susie says the professionals she has talked to (she is professionally related to that work) say those are often much better at half the price, and Dad might accept that cost. 

I know a bit more after the Morningside House visit about what to look for.  Activities are good.  TV rooms are good.  But daily physical care for dressing and hygiene, basic meals, and assumed pill-giving are probably more important. 

Its hard just thinking about giving a parent over to assisted living care.  Telling your elder that it is time is harder.  Making the move is harder still.  I’m still just on that first action.


Just Ducky said...

Thinking of you on your journey. It isn't easy, but you want what is best for your Dad.

Glad you found out about the "extra" charges. Pills and such were considered part of the normal care, not an extra charge. Keep searching, you will find the right place.

Mariodacatsmom said...

I know it's discouraging, but you will find a place that you and Dad are comfortable with. It's a difficult stage for both of you. You are doing a good job.

Katie Isabella said...

Oh my. What horrendous charges. It's a wonder anyone can afford to go there, Mark.

Megan said...

It's a challenging thing that you're doing, Mark. Be kind to yourself. My father lives in a nursing home that isn't "flash" - there is lino on the floors, not carpet, and meals are served on plastic plates, not bone china. But the commitment to the health and wellbeing of all residents is high, the staff are kind and friendly, and my father and our family are confident that he is safe and has the support he needs. It's all a compromise and it's all very difficult, but all you can do is your best, and you and your sister are striving for that.

Sydney, Australia

Shaggy and Scout said...

I've been negligent keeping up with you Mark. So busy, running in a million directions with my head cut off. Sigh.
It is good you are doing the research now knowing that the time is soon. Some places are just moneymakers for the owners others might not be as fancy, but the personal touch more than makes up for it. My mom is not in the fanciest of places, but it is well recommended and has been a staple in the community for decades. Yes, they do have a "menu" of different services, and mom has gobs of money, so that isn't a worry. But to me it is worth it to know she is safe, well cared for (except the bland meals she complains about! Too Norwegian she says. :)
Wishing you success in your search.

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Keep looking, and keep asking the hard questions. You'll find the right place. I know it's not easy to bring up, but you're doing the right thing.

Unknown said...

Oh My heart bleeds for you. I have been a total ostrich about my situation and extended care, thanks for pointing out some of the things I need to look for! I appreciate it immensely!
Nellie's Mom

Changing The Clocks And Watches

As I said yesterday way more briefly than I intended to (I meant to go back and add a lot more Saturday evening) I love Daylight Saving Time...