Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Retirement Anniversary

Retirement Day!  Well, it was technically Feb 28th, but today is the Monday I really felt it in 2006.

I left work without a party (my choice because I had been transferred to an office I hated that last 2 years).  I never cared what they did and they never had the slightest idea what I did.  The difference was that I could do what they did so easily and none of them (including the supervisor) could do what I did.

I know because, in spite of being new, I was the routine "acting" Division Director and I saw what they did.  Most of the time I was just amazed because what the others did was SO EASY!  And I learned, while "acting" that all the others in the Division could do their jobs in 2 hours a day while I was desperately trying to do mine in my allotted 8 hours and the time I spent at home.

I obviously chose the wrong specialty path...

OK, OK, I LOVED what I was doing, and that matters.  It was challenging, engaging, took a lot of varied skills, etc, etc, etc.  But I'm thinking that I could have accepted the Division Director job when it was offerred and stayed a couple more years, taking life easy at higher pay.

But retired life is SO much better and I have all I need in life...

So here's to retirement when you can do it and if you have something interesting to do during it!

Ya know what I hate?  Weekends.  The stores are all crowded and the roads are backed up.  Its almost like having to do routine food shopping the day before a snowstorm! 

We all had different daily work hours in my office, and mine was the latest.  On my last day at work, the last person shook my hand and left.  I could have left early that day, who would care, but I worked to the last minute.  I carried a box and one plant to the car.  And I drove off into the sunset, never to return...

When I got home, I walked into the house (It was Skeeter and LC back then) and said "well guys, I'm home forever...".

About a year later, I was advised by a friend that I had been replaced by 3 full time people and they were complaining about "all the work".  That was SO Sweet to hear (and my friend is brutally honest).

I'll sleep EXTRA well tonight...


Thumper said...

Funny...the Spouse Thingy works weekends by choice, so that our "weekend" lands on Tuesday & Wednesday, just so we can go places and do things without those crowds. It's awesome...mostly empty theaters, no lines in amusement parks, no kids screaming in restaurants. It's awesome.


My last day was Dec 31 2008. I told no one. I worked in the office that kept track of timekeeping. Important if you wanted to get paid. Ha! If I hadn't mentioned it to my Mgr a few weeks prior he would never have known. Like you my last two yrs were hell. No party, no goodbyes, no nothing. I understand they were all confused as to why I never told them. Retirement is wonderful!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Well congratulations on your retirement anniversary! Sounds like it worked out great for you. And the cats!

Tina T-P said...

Oh, I'm so envious of you retired people - I'm shooting for 5 more years. I like my job right now, so hopefully it will go fast. T.

Changing The Clocks And Watches

As I said yesterday way more briefly than I intended to (I meant to go back and add a lot more Saturday evening) I love Daylight Saving Time...