Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Standard Time

 Change to Standard Time took time, but went well.   Except the wristwatch!  The evil thing has 4 buttons which are all a bit confusing.  Sure, I keep the instruction pamphlet in the box.  But the instructions are nearly impossible to follow.

I spent an hour Sunday night trying to simply change the hour.  I couldn't get it to work.  

The instructions say to press and hold the A button in Timing Mode.  What, like through the whole process?  Or just for a while?  Then, it says press B (with the A button pressed or released?).  

Supposedly, the hours flash first.  No, it switches to 24 hour time.  The C button is for start/stop.  Should I press that to start changing the time?  The D button is supposed to advance any mode you are in.  Pressing it just changes 24 hour back to 12 hour time.

So I gave up for the day.

Monday, I had some better luck.  Sometimes doing the same thing over and over does result in changes!  Suddenly, I saw the hours blink.  I was able to reduce the hour by one.  HURRAY!

Another continuing problem has been laptops.  My old one had 23 letters that came loose and I coud repair that even with superglue.  A replacement (refurbished) would just not work (and I waited too long to return it).

So I bit the bullet and just bought a real new one.  It is charging up now.  I'll connect it to the main internet connection later to get updates and my personal choices online later.  It will be nice if I can use it in front of the TV replying to blogs again while watching Univ of Maryland men's and women's basketball and Washington Commander football games all Winter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you searched on the internet for clearer advice about your watch? If the instructions aren't clear to you, other people will also have struggled and you may find that someone has written about this somewhere. Certainly woth aski g Dr Google.

Sydney, Australia

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