Sunday, November 19, 2023

Compost Bin

 After turning over the older compost and adding new material to it, the bin is finally heating up. It is 120F now and I expect it to get to 160 in a week or two.  

I had little compost last year (mostly just kitchen scraps).  But even that turned into "soil".  This year's batch will be much better.  

And I am adding more each week.  The English Ivy along the fence is mowable.  And I have 4 trash cans of shredded fallen leaves.  They make a good combination.  Both just grow themselves, LOL!

I am constantly amazed at how a pile of green and dead leaves turn into soil!


Marcia said...

It must be magic!

Megan said...

We have been composting for many years, but we do it in a very very very lazy way. Toss kitchen scraps and cardboard and paper into a plastic bin. Before it gets too heavy, we do rotate it, but after a while, it's too heavy to move, so it just sits. We keep adding to it and when it fills up, we empty the other one of soil and start afresh. In practice, it means that it's typically about 3 years between emptyings, and by that time, even with our poor process, we end up with pretty decent compost for the garden. For us, it's mainly about keeping compostable material out of landfill, so it doesn't matter how long it takes to achieve soil from scraps.

Sydney, Australia

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