Friday, July 22, 2022

Printing Passwords

My printer is trying to drive me crazy!

All I wanted to do was set up my user names and passwords safely.  And to me, that means beyond "password managers".  I'm kind of primitive.  I like mine completely offline.   So I set up a spreadsheet on my old offline Mac (used for some old games I like) and printed them from there years ago.

Over the course of time, there have been many password changes and my scribbled changes finally became unusable.  There is just "so much" space on a page and "so many" arrows you can draw to the new ones.  And most of the sites were old or no longer visited.

So I decided to redo it all.  First. legal size paper gave more columns.  Second, wider rows give more room for written changes.  Setting up the spreadsheet was easy.  Filling it in was easy.  I got rid of a decade of scribbles and 2/3s of the sites I visited.  And using the Excel sort function (A-Z) made them easier to find.

But I still had to print the spreadsheet.  My old color inkjet printer cartridges were all dried up.  So I had to move the spreadsheet to the online Mac.  Naturally, I disconnected the internet connection before moving the saved spreadsheet to the Mac with the laser printer.  There isn't much point in saving passwords if you allow the file to be stored online!

Computers hate me.  The flashdrive wouldn't load in the newer (temporarily offline) Mac for 30 minutes.  I tried everything.  Finally got it to be recognized after enough restarts.  Made sure the spreadsheet was still legal size paper settings and one-sided printing (my Mac is convinced I want 2-sided printing by default).  

And it wouldn't print!  Well, OK, I didn't know where to stick legal sized paper in.  This laser printer is new to me.  I only bought it because the color toner doesn't dry up like color inkjet cartridges do.  Actually, it does "too damn much".  There are 3 places to put paper, and the display menu is designed for a genius (which I am not).  And there were a couple of odd pieces of plastic with it that I didn't know the purpose of. 


Megan said...

Well, don't leave us dangling: did you get it printed?

If not, just google it. There's a YouTube for just about everything these days.

Sydney, Australia

pilch92 said...

Printers don't like me either. I tend to get paper stuck in them.

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