Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Flowerbeds Part 5

The current view.   The late white daffodils.

Close up...
The edging specimen daffodils.  Separates the lawn from the perennial flowerbeds.
Some lucky tulips that the voles haven't found (yet).
Top shot of the same showing the neat dark centers.
Some tulips planted in mesh cages are still blooming nicely.
A 2nd patch.
I am thrilled about these.  They are a perennial flower called 'Maltese Cross'.  I planted a dozen of them in a temporary space and they all seemed to have died late last Summer.  Seriously, they just died back and disappeared.  But here they are growing early and healthy!
More of the species daffodils (they were on sale cheap).  They love it here.  I planted one per foot several years ago and look at them multiplying now!  I originally had the edging filled with crocuses, but crocuses are mole-candy.  But they don't eat daffodil bulbs!
Close up...
I've been renovating my flowerbeds and fence-plantings.  Some divisions I put into temporary storage hoping they would survive.  The tubs were originally for growing Yukon Gold potatoes, but since they sell them in the grocery stores now, no point to that.

So I have fancy hostas I can replant.
Autumn Joy Sedum divisions I can replant.
More Sedums...
My naturally-growing hostas are emergibng too.
I'm behind, but catching up.  Sometimes, that is all you can do.

1 comment:

Megan said...

All the plants lok very healthy and happy!

Sydney, Australia

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