Monday, April 26, 2021

Random Thoughts

1.  I like mushrooms, but there are limited uses.  They don't go with BBQ, ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard,; just stir fries or suateed with butter or bacon fat.

2.  I always I have to examine my paper napkin before tossing it.  Sometimes I make notes on them while eating dinner and watching TV.  Well, they're paper and I always have a pen handy.  

3.  I love tomatoes.  I ran out of them and made spaghetti sauce 2 nights in a row.  I could have made a pizza, but I was too late to make decent dough.

4.  I showed pics of myself on the cat blog yesterday and one commenter suggested I should smile more.  It's not the first time.  People have mentioned that for most of my life.  I do not have a natural smile.  In fact, my "neutral face" is rather frowny.  No idea why, but I also don't blame anyone.  It IS a frown.  

It is almost funny.  I once practiced smiling looking at a mirror.  I can assure you, that does not work.  An artificial smile (I CAN do it but it looks worse).  I CAN be surprised at one occasionally, but it is rare.  Rest assured that I am actually a pretty happy person, enjoy my cats when they are on-or-around me, and like my life.  

Really, who could have have happy cats around and not actually be happy themselves?

5.  Last Summer was brutal on trees here.  I have Golden Rain trees on either side of the front of the driveway.

They look like this on the web...  Mine don't.

Photo of the entire plant of Golden Rain Tree ...

The flowers look like this and it is very lovely towards Fall...

Golden Raintree For Sale Online | The Tree Center

But last Summer's drought about killed them both.  There are few leaves growing from a couple branches.  Most limbs seem dead.  I watered them daily through a 5 gallon drip bucket.  That's where you drill a small hole and let water leak out slowly so it gets down into the roots.  I probably didn't do it enough. 

But I'll see if I can get them growing again.  There are a couple branches leafing and a few shoots from the trunks.

6.  The Beech tree in the front yard is probably a goner for the same reason.  The top had already died years ago, but lower limbs continued to grow.  This year, I need binoculars to see the one small branch with leaves.  

It isn't all that tall and if it falls over by the usual wind direction, it won't actually damage anything; and it has no special value for shade on the house.  In fact it shades the lawn and the Saucer Magnolia tree, so I'm thinking losing it might even be a benefit.  I value all trees for producing oxygen, but I will plant a specimen close to the spot to replace it.

7.  My indoors lettuce garden is growing.  Not enough to take a picture, but soon.  The seedlings are 1' high and growing fast.  The heirloom tomato seedlins are about 4" high.  I will be trying to graft them to more disease-resistant roots again soon.  I usually fail, but I keep trying.  Commercial grafters say they get about 90% success.  I get none.  Someday I will learn what I'm doing wrong.

Which is why I always plant enough heirloom tomato seeds for regular plantings.  Better some than none.

8.  I'm trying something new with the pole beans.  An angled 6" wire mesh so the beans hang down though it.  The idea is to make harvesting easier.

9.  I planted cherry tomato seeds in an upside down pot.  I've done this before successfully, but not for a few years.  The idea is to hang the pot at least 8' above ground so that the tomato hangs down from the bottom.  No cage required, easy to water from the deck, and convenient to pick a couple of cherry tomatoes as I leave the basement to do yardwork.  

The pot didn't fit under my basement lights, so I found a gooseneck lamp around the house and put a high-lumens LED bulb in it.  That should help it grow for a few days.  The weather is warming this next week, so I will be able to hang it from the deck soon where it will get direct sunlight.  After that, it is on its own.  If it doesn't work, little loss; 2 seeds...

10.  I went shopping Sunday.  Some produce stuff at Safeway (great fruitsd and veggies) and some basic stuff at Walmart (they have really great prices on some brand-name stuff).  But I also wanted 2 specific flower seeds and a couple automotive items (heavy lubrication grease for the garage door opener tracks, and starter fluid for gas engines, so I stopped at one place (that had  neither) and another place that had one. 

I guess I have to go to an automotive store for the starter fluid.  Another trip tomorrow.  Always one more trip to get what you need, but I had milk and ice cream in the car so could tarry much.

11.  Got back home, fed the cats, put away groceries, made dinner.  Some dinners seem great in the mind but are boring in actuality.  The chicken, onions, and bell peppers were boring; needed some spices.  

The tossed salad was good.  Mixed 1,000 Island dressing with leftover Italian.  The new tomatoes and basement celery leaves saved the meal.

12.  I almost forgot to mention the Baby Fish!  When I got a new pair of fancy guppies months ago.  Some were born and I worked to net them out into a separate container and they grew.  The aquarium is covered with floating anachris plants, so the newer babies have places to hide and grow but kind of on their own.  I now have a couple dozen guppies.  The males stay fancy with red and black colors and delta tails.

Sometimes efforts work...

Friday, April 23, 2021

Darn Ouchies!

I get so tired of muscle cramps sometimes.  During the day, I can get finger-clenches  and rib muscle cramps.  At night I can get thigh or calf cramps.   It used to be seem there were causes.  If I did too much gripping of shovels while gardening, I got finger-clenches a few hours later.  If I lifted too much, I got rib muscle cramps.  If I just did too much walking, I got leg cramps in bed.

Now it doesn't even seem connected to physical activity.  I got finger-clenches a few days ago after just mowing the lawn and I don't exactly keep it in a death-grip.  Tonight I got them and I didn't do ANYTHING active.  Sometimes just holding a knife while preparing dinner causes it.

I try to stay hydrated.  I take a supplemental potassium tablet.  I have a good diet (not a "diet" diet, just good fresh foods with some meat and several colorful veggies).  A low dosage Ibuprophen helps.  Ointment rubs with aspirin or lidocaine help the finger clenches and rib muscle cramps.  

I saw that basketball players use a sort of rolling pin for leg cramps. so I bought one.  It's hard to use by yourself.  Walking around for 10 minutes usually works.

Mom had the finger-clenching thing and that was the first sign of Parkinson's.  I hope it isn't that.  Dad had lumbar muscle cramps in his 60s but that went away.  Neither are around to ask questions of.  I wish I had asked more questions of them, but who thinks about aging at 50?

I am beginning to wonder if the finger-clenches are from typing.  I'm a bad typist and a fussy writer.  I almost redo half my typing most days.  I took typing in high school, but never mastered touch-typing.  Well, my fingers and brain don't communicate all that well.  I can't play a musical instrument for the same reason. 

But that is just my latest thought about the causes.  I have no really good reason for the cause.  My Dr says these things can happen for many reasons and there isn't much that can be done about it.

I suspect the real cause is DDT exposure.  When I was a kid in the 50s, the town I lived in sent mosquito-fogger trucks around several days a week at twilight.  It was a DDT fog and supposedly harmless to people.  But we kids loved riding our bikes in and out of the fog.  

I developed hand-tremors after that and they remain to this day.  I got bad enough soon after that and I never could build a decent model kit (glue got everywhere).  These days, I have to be really careful handling a mug of tea or bowl of soup.  

It's OK; I'm just complaining out load.  Attaching notes to tumbleweeds, as some people say...  

Mom used to tell me that getting old isn't for sissies.   Dad was actually fortunate in a way.  He went into dementia before his physical health failed, so he really didn't understand what was going wrong.  

Yeah, I'm only 70, but I see what is coming.  It probably won't get better.  I see the downhill slope more lately.    I don't mean to worry anyone; I'm still mentally and physically active and enjoy my life.  But life passes in only one direction.  I'll never be 30 again.  Heck, I'd love to be 50.  Tell that to a 20 year old, LOL!

And I expect to be "compos mentis" til around 85-90.  That will have been a good run and better than average.  Lots of great experiences, lots of good meals, and lots of special cats.  And as Frank Sinatra sang once, love was good to me a few times.

I probably shouldn't even really post this, but my finger is over the button and...

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Mice, Voles, Moles, And Shrews, OH MY!

Funny how sometimes think you know is wrong.   I thought I was identifying some lawn rodents correctly for years, but now I'm not as certain.  

I know what a mole looks like without much doubt, so I can kind of not worry about mistaken identity there.  They are simply bigger, have almost invisible eyes, and large paws.  I have a few around (Marley caught one once), but not many.  They tend to stay in their tunnels and leave and occasional, well, "molehill".  They eat only underground grubs and worms.  I begrudge them the worms (which I love for soil health) but applaud their taste for grubs.  They do have a side effect I will mention later.

Best Methods of Mole Control | Cardinal Lawns

So my problem is mice, voles, and shrews.  I forgot about shrews.  It's like when you have a lot of squirrels, you don't always notice the chipmunks.  So, after reading some articles of the differences between mice and voles, I thought I could tell them apart mostly through feeding habits and habitats.

Mice are not a real problem to a gardener.  They live above ground (though nest in small burrows).  They mostly just eat fallen flowerseeds.  And easy to identify by their long tails, prominent hairless ears, and plump round bodies.  If they get into the house, they are easy to control.  Cats and (in tight places like under the oven) traps take care of any invaders

A Guide to Field Mice - Effective Wildlife Solutions

So I thought that left just the voles.  And it made sense.  Voles use mole tunnels where available or dig their own near the surface.  They eat plant roots below-ground and stems at ground level.  They have short tails like moles but they are smaller.  They seldom invade houses (no plant roots to eat).  And the images I saw years ago seemed to show them as slender, chisel-toothed, and small-eared (as is suitable for travelling through tunnel).  And the little rodents that the cats brought up on the deck (for play or as "gifts" to me) matched that description perfectly.  

But as I decided to post about the little evil things, I looked at pictures of voles.  They didn't match my recollection of previous images.

2014 May - Gardening in Washington State | Washington ...

This is not what the cats have been catching!  

Allow me to interject.  I DO indeed have some moles, some field or house mice, and many voles.  I have come across a couple of molehills.  I have trapped mice in the house and the shed (a natural wintering place where I have found nests and they have chewed into corn gluten fertilizer bags).  

I know I have voles because of the shallow surface tunnels and them eating unprotected tulip and hyacinth bulbs by digging tunnels belowground and also digging down from the surface.  They also leave small clean holes in tunnels for surface access.  Moles don't do that and mice don't tunnel.

I have no idea why shrews completely escaped my mind for many years.  Sometimes, you just miss things.   It's embarrassing to miss basic stuff, but it happens. I think the cats are catching shrews.

Mating of the Shrews - Mitch's Musings

Sure looks like what they have been catching to me...

According to Wikipedia,shrews forage for seeds, insects, nuts, worms, and a variety of other foods in leaf litter and dense vegetation, living both over and under ground.  They say (to my surprise), shrews are not even rodents, being more related to hedgehogs.  

I know a lot of "stuff".  But what I DON'T know is so much greater...

A wise person once said that it isn't what you know that gets you in trouble, it's what you think you know that isn't true.  It wouldn't be the first time for me.  I thought I knew my yard's rodents; I didn't.  Live and learn.

If so, they have the perfect place here other than the cats. My back yard is semi-wild, mostly organic, covered with leaf litter and groundcover plants and brambles (so there are rarely disturbed by my activities).  I have many large seed-bearing plants (hollies, berries, and nandinas), rich undisturbed soil (lots of earthworms), and many small-rooted plants.

I gather that they (like voles) use existing tunnels, but usually live aboveground (or The Mews wouldn't be catching them).

I don't actually mind what rodent or shrew The Mews catch.  All are annoying in some way.  I respect a certain degree of lethality in them and glad to see that Laz has joined the club (Ayla used to be a great "mouser" but has retired in her senior years).

But I should probably retire "mousies" as meaning all small furry mammals.  Convincing them to change the term might be more difficult.  It's their blog, after all...  

But for myself, I will try to remember the differences.  Shrews are not mice or voles and they don't eat my plants (but like moles, they do eat my worms).  Mice aren't a garden problem, but voles are.  Voles don't invade the house, but mice do (but The Mews get them).  I don't have many moles or mice, but I do have a lot of voles and shrews.

And the moles aren't much of a problem themselves, but the tunnels they build are highways for the voles and shrews.

So my original plan to reduce the moles that make the tunnels the voles (and now shrews) use is still good.  Mole repellent (industrial castor oil) and stomping the tunnels flat and milky spore powder (organic) to kill off the grubs so the moles have less food is still the way to go.  

Just that The Mews are catching shrews, not voles...  I THINK.

Monday, April 19, 2021

Dinner At Chez Cavebear

A few months ago, I received an offer to subscribe to many magazines at $2 per year.  I know a come-on when I see it, but 3 of them were interesting and I had subscribed to them in the past.  Cooks Illustratated and Eating Well, and I forget the 3rd which hasn't arrived yet.

I'm no sucker.  I know they will beg me to renew the subscription in a year.  I won't.  But, as they desire to take advantage of me (hoping I will automatically renew) I will take advantage of them.  Both magazines are very good and have good recipes.  A year's worth of good recipes from 2 cooking magazines is nice.

In fact, they are good enough that I used all the subscription inserts as bookmarks.  Oddly, they equaled each other rather well.

One that interested me was beef with black bean garlic sauce and asparagus.  I didn't find that sauce in the store when I shopped but I found black beans and I found the basic recipe online.  OK, so it wasn't fermented black beans.  And I didn't use flank steak.  But I improvise.

I had New York Strip steak I cut into 2"x2"x6" pieces 1/4" thick because I like cutting the pieces against the grain.  I had the black beans (but not fermented).  I had garlic. I had canned jalepeno.  I immersion-blended the mix.  Close enough.  Then I made a cornstarch slurry of beef boullion paste, sherry, and soy sauce with some toasted sesame seed oil.

The wok cooked the beef nicely and I set it in a bowl.  Then wokked asparagus, red bell peppers, and scallions.  Just the too much "crunch".  Returned the beef and poured the cornstarch slurry in for a minute.    That made the veggies "crunch" right.  Had to add water because the slurry was too thick, but water never ruins the taste, just changes viscosity.

The result was very good!  Enough hot for me (I don't need much), enough beef (I like meat but not a LOT!) and the veggies came out perfectly.  With a nice tossed salad, a perfect meal.  Hurray to a magazine recipe (even if I didn't follow it exactly).

Next time, I will serve it over angel hair spaghetti or fettucini.  It needed a starch (I used a slice of bread).

A professional chef would have been horrified, I suppose.  Well, I'm not one, but I can turn out a decent dish most times.  The failures get tossed (there is a good reason to have premade meals in the freezer).  The good ones I eat and enjoy.  LOL!

Happing dining to all!

Saturday, April 17, 2021

A Hard Day

 We didn't have a great day here yesterday.

Laz fell 12' off the deck rolling over inattentively.

I tried to move a tall wheeled plant stand and the wheels stuck so it fell apart.  Took an hour to get it reassembled.  It holds together by friction of poles in holes.  I improved on that in the re-assembly and I have one more idea drilling 2 holes and attaching a bungee cord, but not today.

I tried to pay a hospital bill online.  What idiot developed that website?  There were options for identifying yourself for paying.  Account number on bill, last 4 digits of Social Security Number, date of birth, date of visit.  Yes, I could establish a user name and password, but I doubt I will need one soon again (they expire) and I have way too many one-shot sign-ups as it is.

Everything I tried used a Captcha test.  I got through that, but it didn't matter.  No method of identification worked.  They just wanted a new Captcha test every step.  And the steps led nowhere.

It was circular.  Add whatever identifier info they wanted, get a Capcha Test, succeed, and repeat.  Back to Square One.    Why is it that non-commercial websites never seem to work?  

I went through the same nonsense with getting a new sticker for my trailer license plate.  The website said I didn't own the trailer.  I received a renewal form in the mail and replied to that.  It worked in 5 days!

Speaking of the trailer, I noticed the supporting pipe fell off the cinder block I use to keep it off the ground.  So it was in the ground.  In fact, it is stuck in the ground.  I can't lift things like I used to.  I'll have to drag out the car's jack.

Lately, all my neighbors have decided it is great to mow their lawns at 9 am.  Im trying to sleep then.  Not their problem, but the noise is "sleeplessness".  And 2 neighbors have bought motorcycles they drive up and down the street at the same general time.  What is it with loving "noise"?

Just ranting mildly...

Bird Houses

 My Good Neighbors installed the multi-gourd Purple Martin birdhouse pole with artificial nesting gourds they asked me to sell them.  It looks good in their backyard.  I tried to give it to them because they helped me so much after the ladder incident, but they refused.  So I asked for $20.  They agreed.  I had explained that I had planned to dispose of it anyway, but I guess they have a strong sense of material value.  Well, I'll bake them some more bread...  They really liked the 1st one.

The nesting gourds were for Purple Martins.  I mentioned all this previously, but I forgot to mention a few things I need to tell them.  The entrance is a crescent shape that swallows (like Martins) like but other birds don't.  John needs to widen the entrances.

I was planning to dispose of it because I haven't attracted any Martins here for 10 years.  Today, as I went to get my Covid shot, I noticed that the 2 houses that used to attract had removed the poles and gourds.  Either Martins are going to different places because of climate changes, or they are dying out.

I am sad about that.  On the few occasions where I saw them flying around, they were graceful and acrobatic.  But they have very particular demands for nesting sites.  They like to nest in groups.  They like holes in old trees.  They want open areas for approaching their nests.  I had too many trees and shrubs...  The successful sites in my neighborhood were on large open yards.

Purple Martins have always been "on the edge" because of their fussiness of nesting sites.  They don't mind human activity in the least, but flight obstructions disturb them greatly.   There aren't many old trees with holes in them these days.  

They had a pre-Columbian resurgence when Native Americans started putting up large hollowed gourds in clusters for them.  Purple Martins were thought to eat mostly mosquitos, so that made them worth helping.  Or maybe they just admired their flight.  

There was another resurgence of help for them starting in the 50-60s (?) as suburban homeowners had empty yards and Martin-enthusiasts pushed them as mosquito-eaters "up to 2,000 mosquitos a day" and "end your mosquito problems" they claimed.  

Sadly, that wasn't true.  It has been disproven.  Mosquitos seldom fly more than a few feet above ground (they are flower-nectar drinkers mostly - the females only bite to get a "protein-hit" for developing eggs and the males never bite) and Martins stay well above ground level, like bats.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

More Random Things

1.  I got my 2nd Moderna Covid shot yesterday.   What a STRUGGLE (I joke)!  Actually, I just drove 15 minutes to the shot center, was in and out in 20 minutes (and only that long because there was a required 15 minute observation period) and 15 minutes home.  Seriously, from the time I walked in the door to the time I had my shot and my vaccination card returned was only 5 minutes!

I had only the least sensation of any shot.  Well they DID stick a 1" needle in my arm, after all...  But at least that is all over for now.  When time has passed, I will get a Covid test to see if I had it asymptomatically last year.  If that would be detectable after the shots, of course.  I'm planning to have an annual physical in June; I'll ask about that then. 

I'm curious because I have felt oddly tired since last Fall and tend to lay abed for longer than I used to.  It might be several things.  Age, Covid itself, mere boredom from home-restriction due to the virus concerns, or even Season Affective Disorder.  I've had a mild problem with SAD for a couple decades.  

It varies.  Some Winters are mild and I am out more so little problem.  Other years Winter is harsher and I get less sunlight exposure.  I don't mind fluorescent bulbs and have "daylight" tubes in most fixtures, but I don't know if that helps much.  The only true sunlight is sunlight.  I know there are special bulbs available.  Everyone seems to have some odd minor problems...

2,  All the indoor seed-planting is complete.  Next comes some early outdoors plants.  Beets, spinach, beans, carrots, leeks, radishes.  My tomatoes will be a bit late as I got them planted late.  Some are for "normal" transplanting out and some are for grafting attempts.  I used to go to great lengths to plant heirlooms early with devices designed to keep them warm (wall-of-water cylinders and hotcaps), but I am convinced now that it doesn't seem to matter.  Tomatoes transplanted out "late" seem to catch up and possibly surpass the earlier ones.

My bell and hot peppers didn't emerge well this year.  They aren't any older than the tomatoes (which came up almost 100%) but some seeds don't store as well as others.  I may have to buy some pepper seedlings in May.

3.  John showed me how to drain the gas tank on the brushmower (and then of course I should add new gas).  And he told me I need "starter-fluid" to squirt into the carburator to get the engine running while new gas is pulled in.  Wait, does he mean "starter fluid" like some people use to light charcoal or some specific gas engine stuff with the same name?  I need to ask.  

4.  A half of an old tree in my neighbor's yard fell over into mine. It is substantial. Fortunately, none of it landed on the 4  small flowring trees I planted in Fall 2019.  Part of me says "sure I can cut it apart".  The sensible part says "call a tree company".  I'm not 35 anymore.  But I WILL wait until the backyard daffodils have lost their leaves and the bulbs are safely underground again.  

The tree guys do great work and they work hard, but they don't pay much attention to landscaping.  They have a goal.  Cut stuff up, drag it out. throw it into the grinder.

I'll call them when there is little to damage.  The fallen tree isn't actually causing an immediate problem.

Monday, April 12, 2021

Random Things

A few unusual things:

1.  I got a recall email notice from a week or so ago.  Turns out a bag of dry food I bought was a "possible recall" but gave a "lot #" to check on the back of the bag.  There was no lot # of the back or anywhere else I could find.  I called the manufacturer to ask where the lot # was supposed to be.  Their system was overwhelmed, so I left a message.  Along with the name/email/phone, I asked if some marketing idiot had arranged for the lot # to be printed on the top part of the bag that you have to rip off to open it.

A couple days later, I called Chewy to see if they knew where the lot # was printed.  They didn't.  You might think they had been asked about that previously and gotten the information, but apparently not.  On the other hand, I had a wonderful conversation with the Chewy representative about our respective cats.  She didn't know about cat-blogging and asked for the address, which she looked at on the spot!  She read the header (so I know she looked), and said it was a wonderful idea.  How a Chewy representative didn't know about cat-blogging seems odd.  But she said they were sending a new whole bag, so that was nice.

The manufacturer called back 2 days later.  She said the lot # can appear anywhere on the back of the bag but it is randomly placed and COULD be at the rip-off top in rare instances.  She assured me that it is intended to be seen.  I have my doubts that a modern processing plant would print the lot # randomly.  She did say that if the seller did not replace the product (that is the usual arrangement, I gather), they would.

It's  not like they would compare addresses, so I could get a 2nd free bag of food if I wanted.  But I'm honest.  On the other paw, I could give it to the animal shelter.  I may think about that.

2.  My parents had a Purple Martin (bird) multi-nest-site in the 70s.  They usually got nesting Martins.  When I moved here, I set up one myself (they are on poles in a cluster).  Martins like to be in groups.  Martins arrive from S America in March/April depending on weather.  Yearlings arrive first and are called "scouts, as they find artificial nesting sites first and the older birds find THEM and set up nests.  Here is a successful colony...

Purple Martin Field Day | The Hook - Charlottesville's ...

I got scouts several times but no mating pairs for a few years.  Starlings tend to take over the nesting sites (on the right in the picture).  Then a new design came out that discouraged starling.  I bought a new pole nesting system.  The entrance is crescent-shaped and starlings are well, "too fat".

I got scouts then too but no mating pairs.  I saw some successful colonies in the neighborhood, but none liked mine.  They like open fields and I had too many trees and even shrubs bother them.  I gave up, but the pole and nesting "gourds" remained in place because I had better things to do than dissemble it and sell or toss it.

So 3 days ago, my Good Neighbors asked if I would sell it.  Deb had this idea of sticking it in the backyard for their "swamp birds".  Well, I didn't want the thing, so I told them to just take it.  I mean they have been so helpful, it it wasn't of any value to me.  Deb wants to paint all the gourds different colors and hope they attract nesting birds.  

They refused "free" so I said $20.  Yesterday John said he would come over today and get it.  Hurray, junk out of the yard!  

3.  They both arrived and Deb showed me pictures of their new cat (to prevent me from trying to help John pull it up I suspect - she is convinced I am still too fragile).

I have a picture of the cat on my new iPhone XR but I haven't learned how to upload pictures from there yet (I bought a book to read about the XR and will study it soon).  But it is a nice little female black cats with a white bib, from a shelter.  I think she named it Olivia but now she pronounces it " O Love Ya".  

She has had cats before, but became excited for a new one after taking care of mine when I could walk or get to the litter boxes in the basement.  Not that The Mews came out often when a stranger was around, but I DID manage to hold Marley and Ayla at hallway length so she could see them.

Not that I would fall off a ladder deliberately, but if that resulted in another shelter cat being adopted, that was good "accidental" result.

4.  They invited me to join in their 25 cent weekly poker game.  Given their kindness, I assume it was for a fun activity.  But I'm not a gambler.  And I probably have no "poker face".  Besides, I can never even remember whether a straight beats a flush.  I probably have "tells" all over me.  That's death in poker.

I played "penny-poker" in college and usually ended with more pennies than I started with, but my winnings were from "high-low"; a game seldom played now.  That's where the best and worst hands split the pot.  I had NO problem assembling the worst hand!

Bad Poker Hand Stock Photo - Download Image Now - iStock

So I told them I was happy to play Hearts, Spades, Cinch, or Gin Rummy (maybe even Bridge) 25 cents per hand.  They declined.  I play for pleasure of winning.  I am BAD when money is involved.

5.  I decided to try myself at some mild gardening outside today.  Parts of my garden and flowerbeds are over-run by invasive flowering vines a neighbor planted a decade ago.  Their's were on open ground so they mowed them to death when they realized they were a problem.  But they are in my flowerbeds and thriving.  MUCH harder to remove.

I attacked them in a raised bed today to test what my arms could still do.  It went well!  Hours later, I feel no soreness.  That is VERY encouraging.  Shovel and garden fork work went well.  I was able to dig out all the invasive vines (so far as I can tell).  There were some sapling in the bed I cut down last year but the stumps were still there.  I got most out.  

Enough to dig the soil loose and set up a 6" concrete remesh supported by a couple metal poles at an angle.  The point is that the metal mesh is facing the afternoon sun and the Romano pole beans will hang down for easy picking.

6.  John (The Good Neighbor) is experienced in gasoline engines and I am not.  I can fix a few things by logic, trial, and error, but he actual knows what he is doing.  I have a brush mower that I used once and could never start again.  I forget to drain off old gas in Winter and that causes problems.  Well, to be honest, I expected to use each one another time that year but didn't.  Gas gets "old" and accumulates some water as it sits.

DR Field and Brush Mower

After he collected the Purple Martin House assembly, he looked at the 2 machines I couldn't get running.  He showed me where all the parts were and what I needed to do for each.  I have a general understanding of gas engines, but it is more theory than practical.  John knows practical.

He showed me the detachable tube that drains the old gas.  He showed me where access is and where to spritz starter fluid into the carburator.  

So I have a good idea know about what to do.  John assured me he would be happy to help when I got starter fluid, but this is a case of "Mark Try First".  LOL!  But I won't hesitate to ask for help if I fail. 

7.  John has side-gigs repairing stuff.  He does it on the driveway, so I see sometimes.  Everything from refinishing old furniture to gas-powered equipment.  So I offerred him the old riding mower.  It smokes. He said that's not worth fixing (bad rings and I barely know what that is), but then he said he had an engine that might fit.  So he is welcome to it.  Otherwise, it goes to the landfill where some company takes working parts.

8.  I have my 2nd Moderna Covid shot scheduled for Wensday.  That will be a relief.  Based on past history of vaccines, I will not have reactions.  I'll still wear a mask and maintain social distancing though.  I could be an asymptomatic carrier.  I wouldn't know without a test for previous infection and I think the vaccine shots mess up the test.

That's enough "weird" for today...

Friday, April 9, 2021

Water Supply Leak

Great, my lawn has bocome a swamp in one spot.  It's right along where the water comes to the house.  I assume the pipe is broken.  No spouts or fountains, just WET SOFT LAWN. 

I know the yard after 34 years.  It isn't rain.  The County is sending someone over to look at it later today between 8 am and 2 PM.  Wow, the cable company does better than that.  I sure don't want to be up at 8 AM and sit around waiting.  But I have no choice.  

Fortunately, it doesn't seem to be a cost to me.  The leak is before it gets to my meter.  But I bet they will tear up the lawn to repair the pipe.  And that involves landscaping.

The pipe leak seems to be near the edging around my Saucer Magnolia Tree (the focus of my Spring love)...

If they rip up roots and it dies, I will weep.  I've spent years shaping it gently one twig at a time!  But it IS an evaluation visit.  And it is County water leaking, not mine (I only pay for what gets into the house).

But this could get really yard-messy...

Well, at least the County finally answered the phone!  I left messages 3 times before with no reply.

 This time I got a human, a time, and an admission the water leak is not my cost.  It could be a LOT worse.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Seedlings UP!

 I was gratified to see some seedling emerging from the newly-planting trays today.  Some Cosmos flower seeds emerged, some lettuce seeds emerged, some radishes emerged.  Good start.  I expect tomatoes and peppers in a day or two.

I planted snow peas outside today.  I wasn't sure how to plant them; they need support and I didn't want to dedicate any tomato cages to them as I'll want those in a few weeks.  So there I was in the yard, and I noticed a 5'x3' piece of rebar 6" mesh.  Perfect!  I keep stuff around because it always gets useful "eventually".   

Attached it to a support pole after weeding the spot and loosening the soil.  I had the pea seeds pre-soaked overnight 3 days ago and saw which germinated (16 of 18).  Those got planted.  

I received 2 grafted Brandywine tomatoes from Territorial Seeds yesterday.  Those are under indoor lights to firm up the grafts and encourage rooting.  I have my own to graft, but I'm not good at it so having a couple professionally done is good backup.  And I have pots of direct non-grafting seedling for standard growing.

I was late on planting, but experience tells me that later-planted tomatoes catch up to early-planted ones so I thing I may have a good harvest this year.  One always hopes...

This year, I hope the many flowers I have planted indoors will thrive outside.  They usually do, but I have less-usual ones I hope to use to establish some self-sowing ones that may repeat for years.  It's a fight between the weedy grasses and the flowers each year.  

I've been rubbing the marigold flowers to separate the seeds the past few days while watching TV.  They grew well enough just scatterred around last year and I am hoping for the same this year.

There were whole square yards of them.  I hope for the same this year...

The weather is great.  Time to be outside more these days.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Unmoderated Comments

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 I was surprised today to  learn that I had un-moderated comments on Mark's Mews.  I clicked on the dashboard button by accident today.  They went back more than a year.  I apologize.  I deleted a couple of ads, but the rest were all good.

In a way, it was nice to read them relating to many posts.  But obviously. I should have read them at the time.

I will be more careful about that in the future.  I LOVE comments and read them carefully.  


Tuesday, April 6, 2021

The Indoor Lettuce Garden

OK, so yesterday I posted about the veggies and some flowers to go outside in a month or so.  Today I'm posting about the indoor lettuce garden...

I HAD a great lettuce garden going before The Ladder Incident.  Radishes, Bok Choy, Carrots, and 4 Lettuces.

Great Neighbor Deb watered them twice when I thought about them, but they usually slipped my mind.  Priorities were groceries, clean cat litter boxes, and laundry.

When I was able to get down to the basement again (barely), the indoor garden was in trouble.  I managed to water them a few times, but noticed "dust" on the leaves.  Turned out to be an infestation of nearly invisible tiny aphids.  It was too much to cope with at the time.

Thankfully, some plants survived anyway.  Last week I took the trays outside and sprayed them with Neem Oil (a tree-based organic insecticide most effective on small soft-bodied pests like aphids and mites but safe for humans).  The nights were warm, so I left them out 2 days.  Them I sprayed the HELL out of the plants with the garden hose and left them out another 2 days.  

The surviving plants looked bad!

BUT, they were clean of all aphids!  I harvested those.  Fine salads...

I emptied all the tray soil into a large 2'x3' plastic tub and sprayed Neem in the soil to get at any surviving aphid eggs and to let the soil dry a bit.  I don't actually know if aphids lay eggs in the soil, but I was being thorough.  And apparently it doesn't bother earthworms.  I found some beauties in the soil when I repotted the trays!  I moved the worms outside to rich soil.

Then I refilled and replanted the trays.  Bok Choy, Radishes, Red Romaine/Red Leaf/Green Leaf/Green Head/and Endive Lettuces will come my way in 6 weeks!  The nice thing is they are "cut and come again".  They regrow new leaves several times.

I'll show pictures when they are growing again (but they will look about the same as the top pics).  It was nice to be able to get my hands in soil again!  

I have snow peas soaking overnight for planting outside tomorrow.  There is still time for them to fruit before the hot weather hits.  I will be able to plant some seeds directly outside in a couple weeks.  Spinach, Pole Beans, Corn, Beets, Carrots, etc.  Can't wait...

Gardening can be a cruel hobby.  Last year, I had everything planted indoors and out on time but it stayed cold and wet all Spring, so most died and some couldn't be replanted (too late to mature or ran out of seeds).  I hardly got any heirloom tomatoes, no corn or spinach, and few peppers.  THe pole beans were OK.  

This year, the weather was good but I wasn't.  Still, hope springs eternal.  I'm not beyond the point of expecting some good harvests.  

Monday, April 5, 2021

Getting Back To Normal Activities

I was surprised to realize I haven't posted here for a while.  I suppose I got used to just posting about falling off the ladder and healing from it.  Well, I'm about as healed as I will ever be, so there wasn't much to say about that.  I'm walking, driving, shopping, doing household chores about like before.  The collarbone ain't ever gonna be re-attached to the shoulder bone though.  An operation is bad enough; the recovery requirements are worse.  

But I DID get back to gardening yesterday and today.  I got tomatoes and peppers started indoors  (yes, I'm late by a month).  I have 2 groups of tomatoes planted.  Some are planted normally for direct transplanting outside in 6 weeks.  

But some are planted 2 to a larger pot.  Those have an heirloom tomato and a special rootstock tomato for grafting.  I am (so far) a complete failure at grafting tomatoes but I keep trying.  The idea is that a vigorous rootstock tomato (that on its own produces poor fruits) can be topped with a less vigorous heirloom tomato with great fruits.  

The rootstock makes a larger root system, is disease resistant, and absorbs more nutrients to send up the heirloom stem.  There are 2 basic grafting methods.  One cuts off the tops of both seedlings and you clip the heirloom top to the rootstock bottom.  

[Tomato Dirt] Grafted Tomatoes: What Are They and Why Grow ...

The other has you shave both stems slightly and clip the shaved areas together.  That leaves both seedlings with roots for nutrients while the graft heals.  Then later, you cut the bottom of the heirloom and the top of the rootstock off, leaving one grafted plant.

How to graft tomato #diy project - favorite | Grafting ...

Someday I will manage to get that to work.  Other people do.  I've watched youtube videos of it and they show the routine success.  They get a lot more true heirloom fruits than usual.  You can even buy them (I have 2 grafted Brandywine tomatoes on order for delivery in a couple weeks.  But they aren't cheap ($10 per plant), but they really do produce better so I REALLY want to learn how to do it myself.

I also late-planted a bunch of flowers indoors.  Some are standard ones like zinnias, marigolds, and salvia. Others are more unusual but are tall cottage-garden "self-sowers" so if I can get them established outside they might spread and shade out weeds for many years.

I have to confess that my lovely indoor lettuce garden failed while I was injured.  But that is for another post!

Sports, 1

I've mentioned University of Maryland basketball success the last couple of posts.   I'm a homie.  I went to college there.  When th...