Monday, April 10, 2017


Three words...  Tax Preparation Day!

The good news is that with software, all the bewildering income, interest, dividend and State annuity exclusion (since I am now over 65) work for Federal and State taxes only took an hour, plus I filed both electronically this year.  There was a charge for State, but I even made a few bucks there since my credit card gives me 2% back.  LOL!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Americans all seem to have to lodge their taxes at the same time, which seems odd. The financial year in Australia runs from July 1 - June 30. If you're lodging your tax return yourself, you have three months after June 30 to do so, but if you have a tax accountant lodge it for you, the submission dates are staggered over the course of the following year. This spreads the demand for services and support more effectively, I would have thought.

Sydney, Australia

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