Friday, April 21, 2017

Busy As Bees We Is. Part 5

I am worn out.  Today was the most recent day of hard work.  Went from Noon to 5 pm with two 15 minute breaks. 

Moving and dividing large Hosta plants surrounded closely by Daffodils I don't want to damage is hard.  Planting the divisions in new patterns among the existing Daffodils is even harder. 

My knees feel broken, my back muscles are complaining, and I got leg and side cramps after I stopped.  And I have Hostas I dug up yet to be transplanted (i watered them in a shady location before stopping for the day).  So tomorrow is "once more with the shovel".

So I want to show off some pictures of HAPPY...  They don't all apply to this week's work, but they are good reminders of why I do the work.
 A good standard Daffodil
 New Astilbes growing.
Serious contrast
Lovely tulips in wire cages to protect from voles
As bold as a Daffodil can get
Multiple daffodils
Bold colors
Bright colors
 Delicate colors
Multiple blooms
Many Tulips together
 And some planted 10 years ago still blooming (somehow escaping the voles)

The new flowerbed border Daffodils ('Hillstar')

 Iza In Flowers
Marley In Flowers

1 comment:

Megan said...

Thanks for the pics. I love seeing those massed daffodils - fabulous effect.

Sydney, Australia

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