Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Waiting For...

Baseball season to start on April 1st... 

The last-Fall-planted tulips to bloom...  The buds are up on short stems, but that's good enough for the 1st year.  The wire cages they are planted in should give them protection from voles and squirrels for many many years to come. 

The last-Fall-planted daffodils to send up blooms.  Just small leafs so far.  And being toxic to nibbling varmints, they don't need cages...

The last-Fall-planted hyacinths to show up at all.  Not a leaf in sight yet...

Next week's seed-planting inside.  This time of year, there are always something to plant each week inside or out.

The wind to die down tomorrow.  I need to spray liquid corn gluten before the lawn soil warms up more.  The corn gluten stops seeds from sprouting.  The past 2 days were so windy, I couldn't spray it without the spray drifting to the vegetable garden and I have lots of seeds to plant there before the inhibitory effect ends in 6 weeks.

The NCAA basketball tournament to end.  It's painful.  The U of Maryland Men's and Women's teams had such high promise this year, but things didn't go their way.  They sure gave us exciting seasons though...

Cleaning the riding mower.  I figured out a way to elevate the riding mower to clean the underside of grass clippings and get at the blades to sharpen them.  You can't exactly tip a riding mower on its side to do that.  But I have ramps that will let me get at the underside.  I always did, I just didn't realize it.

Pruning low-hanging tree branches.  I finally got the chain saw blade on again and adjusted.  I have a LOT of branches to remove.

Seeing the first dandelion flowers.  I bought a COOL TOOL that lets you step on weeds, pry them up, and just flip them away.  I tried it out on some other weeds and it works GREAT!  Not an ad, just an appreciation for a good tool.

Fiskars Deluxe Stand-up Weeder (4-claw)

Product Details

BTW, you can't just pull up dandelion plants and leave them to die.  The stems have enough food to ripen the seeds.  So you have to bag them...

Time to shift from long-sleeve flannel shirts to short-sleeved cotton.  It's "iffy" this time of year, but short-sleeve season is coming and I love the free-arm feeling.

Open doors!  The cats will love it and so will I.  It doesn't last long though.  Around here it goes from 50 to 80 in a month.  I can kill the occasional wandering wasp...

A warm day to wash the car outside.  It needs it.  At 11 years old and only 24K miles, I want to keep it looking decent.  A new one would have too much computer nonsense in it.

I'm sure there is other stuff, but memory fails after 5 am...

1 comment:

Megan said...

Lots of things to look forward to Mark.

Sydney, Australia

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