Friday, January 16, 2015


Wow, after all the warmish days, it really got cold here a few nights ago.  6F, which is seriously unusual for here.  Last time I saw that,  we had a foot of snow on the ground several years ago.  And before that, was 26 years ago and the incoming water pipe froze.  It had to be thawed out with a propane blow-torch .  The idiot who built this house had covered the basement pipe with insulation against the cement blocks, which kept it cold, LOL!  Pulling off the insulation solved the problem in the long term.

It wasn't that funny at the time.  But it WAS nice to finally hear some ice cubes in the pipe break up and move to the water heater finally.

1 comment:

Katie Isabella said...

There are still problems with this house. Many have been solved but a few still remain. We had now yesterday

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