Friday, October 4, 2013

NOW I Remember...

why I stopped playing Civilization II years ago.  Its addictive.  I don't eat.  I don't sleep.  I just keep playing...

A few days ago, I got my old PC working again and played Civ II all night.  I mean like 12 hours.  And 12 hours does not complete a game.  I finished the next day in 8 hours.  OK, got THAT out of my sytem, right?  NO.  Started another game last night and played from 8 pm to 10 am.  I collapsed into bed from 10 am to 3 pm, got up, cleaned house and made dinner.  Played with the cats.  Watched science and polital talk on tv.

And the new game is sitting there calling to me...  How can I leave a game unfinished?

Drugs have nothing on Civ II for demanding attention!

The good news is that I lost 3 pounds by not bothering to eat.  LOL!  But I think the cat blog is going to suffer until I get tired of this game again...


Megan said...

'Tis a worry! I don't play this particular game, but I can lose hours at a time playing others, not to mention Pinterest.

Sydney, Australia

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

lol, I can understand game addictions...

Katie Isabella said...

I think I am the only one in the world who never played computer games. I know....completely weird.

The Laptop

 I am not a mobile person.  I don't carry the laptop around with me.  But I have a particular use for it. If I sit at the desktop comput...