Friday, September 13, 2013

Weird Visitor Spike

Did I almost have a post go viral?

I don't often check the statcounter chart for this blog because it doesn't get very many visitors, I don't post there regularly, and the bookmark is set to open the site to the Mark's Mews chart.  So imagine my surprise when I saw THIS!

The Sept 11 post was a rather dark angry fantasy about having the 911 attackers alive today, and I can see why it might have gotten more attention than my usual home project and personal life posts.  But who would have ever found it to begin with?

If anyone spread the link around, please let me know so I can thank you for the excitement!  It really did make my day.

I can't go back and check the visitor list or other records because statcounter only displays the last 33 hours for free and I don't feel a great need to pay for 2 months of records every month, LOL!

Its also curious that I had so many on Sept 10th, when the only post of interest was the following day.  I considered that some hackers had gone into old posts to leave messages among themselves (that happened to me with a previous blog), but I've looked back at a bunch of the older posts at random and didn't find any weird messages.  I also have the blog set to require approval of any comments to posts more than 3 days old, and I didn't see any of those.

So if anyone has an ideas about the spike, I sure am curious!


Ramblingon said...

The picture didn't show. Just a question mark...dang.


I've had an unusual spike around my post for last Saturday called Filling an Emptiness. I mean it was a graphic about cats! But I've had well over 300 hits. That is A LOT for me and my tiny little blog.I had to change my settings because I was getting so much spam on my older posts and I hate having to delete it day after day. So now you must have an acct to comment. Got rid of those nasty spammers. I did look on my blogger stats and saw I had quite a few Russians checking my post out that day, so I really do assume it was spammers, but you'd think that they would get the message that they can't leave spam on my blog anymore. :)

Megan said...

Looks like you must have found someone who shared your views, Mark, and they spread the word.

I can't shed any light on it, I'm afraid.

Sydney, Australia

Katie Isabella said...

whoa Mark, that's HUGE. I can't tell how to tell as Abby does, which are Russian.

Katie Isabella said...

I haven't seen a graph like that on my Google. Hm....

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