Sunday, May 6, 2012

Elder Care For Dad

Well, Dad turned 90  in April, and he's not doing too well.  Basically healthy, for sure, but old age is getting a grip.  He has to shuffle his feet to walk, can't make turns well, and falls sometimes.

He fell and hurt his head in two places last week.  He drove himself to a hospital, which was apparently a harrowing trip.  It is very fortunate he did not injure himself or others on that trip.  He has been treated and is currently undergoing rehab treatment for balance exercises.  But he must not drive again, and he really can't take care of himself anymore.  He seems willing to stay in the rehab hospital until I can bring him here.

I will be bringing him here to live with me in the next month or so.  So I will be gone for a week at some point, though I won't specify exactly when.  I'll leave a few scheduled posts in the meantime, and let you know when I am back. 

The neighbors will all know when I am away and will be watching the house closely.  They will be advised that there are NO plans for ANYONE to visit and to call the police IMMEDIATELY if anyone shows up attempting to enter the house!

I will hate this trip.  I hate travelling.  I haven't travelled by plane since before 9-11 and worry about the restrictions.  But it has to be done.

The difficult part is that he does not want to move.  He's fighting it, but weakening as he discovers how having others provide better meals and help him get around IS rather nice.  He HAS to have someone like me to watch over him and feed him well.  Wish me the best of luck.  It is possible that I will fly back home alone, but I will drag him out of his house short of legal kidnapping.

I'm working out a step-by-step list for all the things that need to be done to get Dad here...


Just Ducky said...

Yes an aging parent can be a challenge, the long distance does not help. Get all the assistance you can from agencies to find him a good spot and take care of yourself too.

Katnip Lounge said...

Fingers crossed for you and your Dad.

Thumper said...

I can empathize. My mom took a nasty fall last weeks and is in ICU with a brain bleed. If she pulls though, she's headed for rehab and then a nursing home, and she is going to fight that every step of the way. My dad refused to leave home, too, but I have 3 sisters in the area and one quit her job to care for him (and is now in the same position with our mom...she needs a break.)

This is a sucky time in life, when he kids have to parent their parents...

Don't sweat the flying too much. People make a big deal out of security and everything, but it's not that bad. Worst part is the seats on the planes are now really small and there's no leg room. It's not horrible but it's not comfortable either.

Fingers crossed all goes well.

da bear said...

I was you the best, and hope your father does well.

I aslo hope th multiple times I have tried to psost don;t all show up.

da bear

da bear said...

I wish you the very best. I hope this time for you will be greatly rewarding.

Bella said...

I'll keep you both in my prayers. Having just gone thru this with my Mother falling, hospital and now nursing home I really know what you're going through.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We are all hoping for the best case scenario in bringing your Dad home to your place. We're sending extra prayers and pawsitive thoughts your way.

The Laptop

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