Saturday, January 7, 2012

Changed ISPs

It was a little bit of a fight.  I changed my cable and internet from Comcast to Verizon FiOS.  And my telephone from regular telephone to FiOS telephone.  Turned in my Comcast equipment today.  Know what?  They didn't even care.

This brings my total bill down to $140 from $210 per month.  And gives me free long distance domestic calling for free.  I think I'll call my Dad in Florida tomorrow. 

I'm not thrilled with the Verizon remote control.  Its fussy about aiming.  The old Comcast one worked anywhere in the room.  But the Verizon folks say it is a matter of pressing the buttons fast and not holding them down.  We'll see about that, but I'll admit I am getting better about that..

If you are getting a blank on the emails you try to send me, the new one is:

cavebear2118 AT verizon DOT net...
If its about the cats, it is:  marksmews2118 AT verizon DOT com.  You know to replace the words with the symbols, right?

I've emailed everyone who has contacted me in the past 2 years with the new address, so I hope that includes everyone I should tell.  I've updated my emails (with new fancier passwords) for all my existing commercial accounts.  I've copied the old emails into new folders.

If there is anything else I should do, a suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

1 comment:

Katie Isabella said...

Looks like you had a spam comment there above mine.
I have Comcast bundled services. But I do NOT have any of the premium TV channels as I don't hardly do anything but weatch the news...maybe...and that's about it. Oh..Dancing With the Stars when it's on.

I have a burglar alarm hooked to the phone system or I would go cell phone only. I hope Verizon (my cell carrier) does not raise your price after the promotional period ends.

Emerging Daffodils

The earliest established daffodils are up.  Not blooming yet, but leaves about 4" high. They will look like this soon. I expected the g...