Friday, June 16, 2023

Planted Tomatoes Today

Talk about late planting tomatoes in MD!  But May had chilly nights (and predictions for warmer nights ahead so I delayed).  Then in early June, I kept staying up late and getting up late so I kept thinking "tomorrow".  Last week, we hadn't had rain in 6 weeks and the soil was very hard (but they kept predicting rain).   

I finally stopped messing around on Tuesday and watered the area until it was damn near mud (so the water got down a foot at least).  Then waited 2 days for the water to soak all around and leave the soil digable but "crumbly".  Thursday, I planted.  

Now, when I plant tomatoes, I try to do it right...

1.  Tilled the soil 6" deep to get everything loose and raked off the grassy weeds.

2.  Cut several lengths of 4' wide black mesh fabric (weed suppressor but water-permeable) and held them down with bricks.

3.  Put my 24' wide x 5' high concrete remesh cages on the fabric and poked a hole in the center of each to mark where the tomatoes would go.  Removed the cages.  Cut a 4" "X" at each hole.  Marked the spot of each X.

4.  Folded back the fabric and dug a 12" wide and deep hole at each spot, leaving the soil in place.  Sprinkled organic fertilizer on each spot.  Turned the soil over a few times to mix it in well.

5.  Put the fabric back in place and used a bulb planter to remove a cylinder of soil 12" deep, saving the soil in 2 buckets.  

6.  The bed can hold 11 tomatoes in 3 rows (4-4-3).  This year, I had Brandywine, Cherokee Purple, Striped German, Black Krim, and Pineapple.  I set them at holes randomly.

7.  Wearing knee pads (my knees are not great these days), I got down on them and went to work setting them in the holes as deep as I could (tomatoes will grow roots from buried stems).  Back-filled with scoops of soil from the buckets.

8.  Stuck 3' stakes next to each tomato and held them up with plastic clips.  The clips have a small end to grab onto the stake and a larger opening to hold the seedling.  It all took about 4 hours...


No pic of the newly-planted ones today.  They are a bit frazzled from the process and don't look good yet.  Pushing them out of the cell-packs, handling them for planting, and then straightening them gently to attack them to the stakes is stressful.  They will recover in a few days as their roots discover the joy of new  soil to grow into and they discover the fertilizer.

But here is a picture from last year and they will look about the same in a few days...

My tomatoes are all heirlooms.  They aren't as productive as hybrids, but WOW do they taste better!  

I used to plant the "best" hybrids available (like Celebrity and Big Beef).  About 25 years ago, I bought a Brandywine and a Cherokee Purple seedling at a farmer's market.  When I tasted the 1st ripe tomato of each, I simply pulled up the hybrids and forgot about growing them again forever.  LOL!

So I plant more of them and get as many ripe fruits as fewer hybrids, but it is worth it.  And I still have a few more seedlings (and cages).  I'll find somewhere to plant the rest tomorrow.  You really can't have too many great-tasting tomatoes.

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Random Stuff

 There is always some random stuff going on.  Some normal but some not.  So a list:

1.  I solved the wristwatch problem.  It's hard to find a wristwatch that is both simple and readable.  I bought one that had a large display that was  easily readable.  But of course it came with features I didn't want.  I don't need a wristwatch with alarm settings, hourly beepings, or countdown or uptime timers.  But every manufacturer assume that I do.

When I received it, every feature was functioning except the actual time.  So I set the time according to the instructions.  That wasn't too difficult.  But a "chronometer" function beeped every hour.  And an alarm went off at Noon every day for 60 seconds.  Drove me crazy.

It is a foreign product, as most small devices are today.  The instructions can be hard to understand sometimes.  The watch has 4 buttons (A to D).  The instructions tell you which order to press them to turn on and off various features.  I tried to follow them for 2 weeks with no success!

The features are tiny little abbreviations in a corner of the watch, and I couldn't even read them with my reading glasses.  It took a magnifying glass (the kind you can wear on your head so both hands are free) to see the letters. 

I know how to follow instructions.  These were like "press B 2 seconds then press C to access "chronometer" and make adjustments as purposed".  Yeah, that's a quote.  I could never get the hourly single beep or 60 second beeps to stop.

Finally, after trying again and failing, I just started pressing the 4 buttons randomly in anger.  And it worked!

The chronometer and alarm were both off.  I have been delighted with the watch since then.  It shows me the time and date in a relatively clear display, and that is all I wanted from it.  I hope it lasts the rest of my life (batteries to be replaced of course) so that I don't have to struggle with settings again.

2.  It has been unusually dry here for months.  Here it is not yet even Summer and the lawn grass is fading and the soil is hard.  We normally have 17" of rain for the year by now and it is just 8" and nearly nothing for 2 months..  I know, things are worse elsewhere, but this is my yard and my plants.  

So I decided to actually water the lawn.  I don't normally do that.  I'm organic, and I accept that grass goes dormant in Summer.  But it isn't even Summer yet.  The WEEDS are even dying.  

So I took out my old lawn sprinkler to at least save the new meadow bed.  It leaked like crazy!  I allowed it because I have a lot of established plants in there and 36 more to add very soon.  But I needed a new one.  I looked up some garden sites about recommendations.  No sites agreed about the best.  So they are probably sort of either all crummy or all good.  I ordered one.  It will arrive Saturday.  At least (being new) it will probably work well for a couple of years.  So many things are just built poorly these day.

3.  The cold nights (and odd tiredness) caused me to delay planting my heirloom tomatoes.  I had too many 40's nights in May and that stunts them.  And after no rain for nearly a month, I can't barely get a shovel in the soil.  So I soaked the soil for an hour.  Tomorrow I can dig good holes and add good organic fertilizer in the soil before I fill it back in around the transplants. 

4.  I mowed the daffodil bed.  They had all died back sufficiently.  And I will spread mostly P and K fertilizer around to feed the bulbs.  Then cover it with black mesh landscaping fabric to smother the grasses and weeds that tried to take over earlier this Spring.  By next Spring, there won't be a living weed or grass in the bed!

5.  Given the failure of the old oscillating lawn sprinkler and until a new one arrives in a few days, I will be setting out some buckets near special plants.  I have some with small holes in the bottom. That allows the water to drip out slowly and get down to shrub and tree roots.  

Monday, June 5, 2023

Fixing Suspender Clips

I wear suspenders (OK in some places they are called braces).  Well, I don't have a well-defined waist, so belts don't work for me.  But the suspender clips seem cheap and don't hold well.  Some men's pants have belt hoders in good locations around the back, but a lot don't.

So I was shopping at Walmart looking for something to glue into them to help them hold better.  As I went along, I thought a cheap mousepad might work. but those things are so cheap even Walmart doesn't sell them.  

So I looked for thin rubber mats in "Crafts".  Nothing there.  The bubble wrap interested me, but it wouldn't last long.  And then I noticed that rubber mesh shelf-liner stuff.  Hey I already have that!

A bit of cutting, a little rubber glue, it might work.  So I'll be giving that a try...  Better than buying new ones (I have black, brown, tan and camo).

I love trying to fix things creatively!  I'll let you know if it works...

Saturday, June 3, 2023


I was busy with a cat vet visit, grocery-shopping, and getting gas for the car, so dinner was my one meal for the day.  But I think I did it well...

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Fried skin-down chicken thigh (crispy), bi-color corn, 2 shrimp rolls with duck sauce and hot mustard *, tossed salad, and asparagus with light cheese sauce.  Two small glasses of Merlot.  One chocolate-covered cherry for dessert...  I'll have some fresh fruit later, while watching TV.

* I haven't been able to find traditional chinese hot mustard in stores for 2 months, but I found that if I add some vinegar to yellow mustard, I can't really tell the difference.  Start with little vinegar and add to taste.  LOL!

And I use 3 minced 21/25 shrimp for 2 shrimp rolls (with bok choy, scallions, ginger, garlic, and water chestnut).  I had 1 left in the bag, so I just dropped it in the hot chicken grease for a minute.

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Flowers, Part 2

 And then there are deck flowers.  I haven't planted the pots with the new ones yet, but there are perennials.

The Oriental Lilies exploded the past few days.  From nothing...

To a few...

And more!

It will spectacular in a couple days.

And there is a volunteer in one deck pot from last year!  I will give it special attention!

And the lettuce/celery/pak choi trays are doing well outside now.  

I sure love Spring...

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Flowers, Part 1

 Well, the blooming season has finally started!

The Stella D' Oros lilies started first...

I was amazed to see some Tithoniums blooming that I planted 2 years ago.  They are annuals, but described as "self-sowing".  Well, apparently they do!  I'm thrilled.  Self-sowing is as good as perennial.

This is something from the meadow garden I planted a few years ago.  Apparently they need a couple of years to bloom.  I don't know the name.  But they sure are a nice pure yellow!  And there are dozens of them.  I'll have to look through catalog to identify them.

This is actually some sort of weed.  Kind of pretty.  It doesn't seem to be a disease because they all look identical.  I'll allow them if they don't spread too much.

I brought variegated 'Snow-On-The-Mountain' from my parents home a couple of decades ago where it grew naturally.  They survive here in the hotter Mid-Atlantic area, but seem to convert to solid green leaves given the climate.  I am digging up the remaining variegated ones to transplant to shadier and cooler spots, but these do have nice May flowers.  

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Quest For Wine

 I have been trying to find a decent inexpensive replacement for a Old Vine Zinfandel I have bought for a decade.  The winery shut down.  Some research suggested other Old Vine Zin (or course) but also Malbec and Merlot.  Visiting my regular local meat/deli/liquor store (weird combination, I know), I bought 3 Zinfandels, a Malbec, and a Merlot.

The first thing I noticed was that the price had nothing to do with how much or little I enjoyed the wines.  The 2 most familiar and drinkable were 1.5 L bottles and the cheapest.  And neither was a Zin!  Of the 2 most expensive Zins, 1 tasted "acidic" and the other "dusty".  I don't actually know the "wine terms" for that, but that was my impression.

One Zin was "OK", but at $17 for a 750 bottle, I wasn't very impressed.  Why is it that I liked the cheap Zin but not "better ones?  LOL!  The Frontera Malbec (Argentina) at $10 for 1.5L  was closest to the Twisted Zin I can't get anymore.  The Mondavi (Private Selection) Merlot 1.5L at $17 was better.

I'm obviously not a wine-snob.  I like what I like.  And the foods I cook probably have a lot to do with the wines I like.  So what wine I drink with dinner has a lot to do with my choice.  I mean, I cook a lot of different foods, but I do tend to use the same spices and such.  Regardless of whether I cook chicken, pork, shrimp, or beef, there is garlic, oregano, and sometime ginger involved.

So, after tasting a variety of other Zins, some Merlot, and some Malbec, I'm probably going with the Malbec for regular dinner and Merlot on occasion.  The local meat store will special order as many cases of either as I want.  It is easier just to order 6 or so at a time (so that I don't have to bother them to do it often).

I am sure you were all just waiting anxiously to see what I decided...  LOL!


BTW, is there a difficulty commenting on this blog?  I get lots of visitors but no comments lately.  Has something gone wrong with my blog settings?  Or am I just boring everyone to death?

Monday, May 29, 2023

US Memorial Day

Memorial Day should be more of somber remembrance than cookouts.  But I understand.  It is the right time to start Summer activities.  And it does celebrate the freedoms that our Fallen fought to maintain.  

And I don't mean just the freedom to burn a few hamburgers, eat some potato salad, and drink beer.  It is the gathering of friends and neighbors enjoying our own particular version of democracy.  It is a recognition of community.  It is not religious.  It is not really political.  It is not a time to speak in anger.   It is a time to ignore your crazy old Uncle who is wearing a tinfoil hat.  It is a time to ignore your Flower-Girl Niece who say "we just need more love in world".  And it is a time to ignore Communist Granny.

Yeah, politicians use the Day, but they take advantage of Groundhog Day too. (well, you can't stop them).

I seldom go to Memorial Day cookouts.  But when I do, I am polite to the Crazy Uncle, the Flower Girl Niece and the Communist Gramma.  I will listen to them all (briefly).  And to the children as well.  Cookouts are exciting to them.  They haven't eaten 1,000 hamburgers yet (LOL) and tried every version of one.  ;)

I enjoy the food well enough.  I mean, I've spent time camping (and primitive camping) where I ate stuff I would toss in the trash at home.  And some people's version of potato salad is depressingly bad.  I help clean up afterwards and thank the hosts later.  I've thrown a couple myself and other people did the same to clean up later.  

But I always keep in mind the true purpose of the holiday.  Sometimes Memorial Day and Veterans Day are confused as meaning nearly the same.  I trust you all know the difference.

Today, we honor those who died in our wars.  Good or Bad war doesn't matter today.  It is for those who lost their lives in service to the US.  My previous generation's family was fortunate.  On one side, my 3 Uncles went to WWII and they came back physically uninjured.  On the other side, my Dad and my Uncle built submarines and ships after being refused for active service.  

So these days, I tend to spend the day quietly at home, thinking about war and sacrifice and how many others did not return home to family and friends...

Memorial Day 2015

Saturday, May 27, 2023


I saw the weirdest movie last night.  The title was 'Mud'.  I think that was the name of a central character.  I say "think" because it was spoken with a Southern US AND "mumbly-teen" accent (which this old Yankee has trouble with).  And I came across it 1/3 in.

I don't really have the slightest idea what the intent of the movie was really about.  Something about 2 teenage boys struggling to get by with minor thievery and a couple of problematic adult relationships in the background.  It made little sense to me, but I just couldn't stop watching.

The 2 teens are clever in some street-sense ways (but its country-side) but not really smart and unguided.  The adults are all a bit "unsane".  No relationships seem to work.  

I could look it up on Wiki, but I don't really want to.  I want to just "let it sink into my brain" for a day or two...

It sort of reminds me of 'The Last Picture Show'.   Or maybe 'Friends'.  I think some Dickens might be involved.  

I had a friend once who was really into movies.  He could tell you about side notes, meanings, minor actors of nearly any movie.  He even knew what a "gaffer" was.  But I bet he couldn't explain this one.

Have any of you seen it?

Friday, May 26, 2023

Internet Ads

 I laugh at internet ads.  I know, I know, that's how the service providers stay in business.  TV works the same way.  

But I clicked on enough ads of things that I would never buy (women's clothes, shoes, weird gadgets), so I never get tempted.  And those are the only ads I get now.  LOL!

It is my way of deceiving the advertisers...  They play their games, I play mine.  

If I want to actually want to buy something, I research it in Consumer Reports or some neutral expert site first.  😛

Sunday, May 21, 2023

New Heat Pump

Trane came and replaced the heat pump friday!  Since they were schedulaed to arrive between 7-8 AM, I had to get up at 6 AM to be dressed, fed and ready for strangers.  Which also meant feeding the cats, herding them into the bedroom the day, and cleaning the litterboxes.  Naturally, they were late (but only by 30 minutes).  Which was OK because I barely finished breakfast.

First, they disassembled the indoor part.

And removed it...

Then removed the outside unit.

I tried not to bother them too much.  I know contractors hate that.  But these guys were pretty friendly and I did have a few questions along the way.  So I showed up quietly every 30 minutes or so mostly just to observe the progress.

And because of a friend's bad experience once, I glanced around to make sure none of my more "interesting" tools or equipment was missing.  Me friend had some serious theft while his house was being renovated (he got it all back because the thief was really stupid).  They did borrow one of my tools, but it was back on the rack before they left.

But I love to watch things being done.  I usually learn something useful...  Knowing what the inside of enclosed equipment looks like has allowed me to fix a few things myself for free.  For example, once the old unit started leaking water on the basement floor, and I had seen a water collection tray that looked kind of flimsy.  But I knew where it was inside.  So I remove that sheet metal panel, found a loose bracket and re-leveled the tray tightly.  👍

So they finally got to the part about installing the new outside unit.  Which seemed to take forever (but without them seeming to be doing anything with it), so I went out to take a look while they were busy inside.  

There was some noise that worried me, but it turned out to be some equipment that was temporarily attached.  I think it was either a power pack to run the equipment diagnostics before they hooked it up to the house current, or while they were hooking it up to the house circuit box OR it was pumping coolant into the system.  I didn't bother them about it; they were still working.

Whatever it was, it got turned off and detached eventually.  Because they only attached the outside electric cables after they detached it, I'm guessing it was a temporary power supply for testing purposes.

So here is the new outside unit.  It's big.  The old one reached my waist; this thing reaches my shoulder.  And it has a cover to prevent rain/snow/sleet.  The previous unit had a separate electric thaw system.  Because of the size, the ventilation slots around the casing reduce heat build-up in Summer.  

Everything about this unit suggests better operation and long life.  I think I am going to be happy for a long time.  

The last thing they did was install a new thermostat.  My previous one was digital, but only like a clock is digital.  That display showed all the choices and had about 4 manual buttons.  Easy to change from heating to cooling, change the temperature target, and control the fan.

The new one looked more like a smartphone app.  I can even control it with a smartphone if I want to (I don't).  And it is programmable (which doesn't work well for my rather unsheduled life).  But when I had the guy show me how it worked, it was actually simple to control manually.  In non-programmable mode, it is just a touch screen instead of manual buttons (whew). 

Touch the screen and it wakes up.  I can touch "heating/cooling" to change that, up/down arrows for changing the target temperature, and "fan" allows 3 choices (on when "unit is on", on all the time, or a 10 minute on/off cycle).  There are other touch choices, but those are for programmable scheduling mode and I have no need for that.

I should explain that.  I've mentioned I keep an irregular schedule.  I just sleep when I'm tired (or bored).  Sometimes I go to bed at 10 PM, sometimes I go to bed at 2 AM, and sometimes I just stay up all night.  No way can I program the thermostat for that.

Back when I had a regular office job, I had a fancy programmable thermostat.  And I should mention that (year-round) I kept the house at 76F daytime and 68F nightime weekdays.  Kept it 72F daytime on weekends.  And that worked (the thermostat allowed you to choose days).

Now that I'm retired, it's 72 and 68 everyday (I sleep better a bit cool).  But as I said, the hours are regular anymore.  So non-scheduled works for me. 

So here are the results after 2 days...

The Trane unit works better than any York or Ruud unit I have ever had!  It cools and heats quickly.  The previous unit took 4 hours to cool the house 4 degrees F.  This one takes 30 minutes either heating or cooling.

It is unbelievably quiet!  The previous unit made some noise even when new that I could hear in the bedroom at night (the outside unit is right under my bedroom window).  It was mostly just fan noise at first, but by the end it sounded like motorcycles driving up and down the street.  

This Trane unit (an XL) is so quiet I didn't even think it was on.  But standing close to it, I could barely hear it when it was operating.  A kitchen temperate probe thermometer set into a floor vent says it sends out 54F air.  That's actually higher than the previous one (which did 44F when new), but it is more powerful (3.0 tons airflow to 1.5).

And it is extremely energy-efficient.  Before I chose to buy an XL Trane, I visited several websites that seemed to be either expert testers (like Consumer Reports) or non-brand-oriented sites created by experienced but independent heat pump repairmen.  

The general consensus was that the XL Trane should pay back the cost in electrical use and lack of repair costs in 10-12 years.  And since they also said the Trane unit should last 15-20 years, that almost suggests I get it and use it for free!  

The concept bothers me slightly.  There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.  But I have to admit that, if a piece of equipment uses only 75% of the electricity and lasts 2x as long, you have to be gaining something somewhere!  So, I am very pleased (even if it is just the ultra-quiet operation).  

But I have a gripe!  The Trane unit uses a different size air filter than the previous unit.  I like to order good-quality filters in bulk.  So I went to pull the new filter out.  I wanted to know the brand and MERV rating (thats the size of various pollutants it can filter).  I can't (without damaging it, I think).  It catches inside somewhere.

So before I have to replace it, I ordered a dozen the same size but MERV 11 rating and duration (3 months) I usually do from Amazon.  When they arrive, I will force the new one out to examine it.  If the new ones are also hard to put in and out, I will call the Trane company and suggest they didn't construct the filter slot well (it was manually shaped on site).  That could get awkward, so I sure hope the new ones fit easily.

But overall, this Trane is by far the best heat pump I've ever had.  But I'll know better about that in 10 years.  With luck, this will be my last heat pump.

Ooh, I have to mention this too.  My electric co-op sends users a $100 -150 check anytime they use less electricity than the same Quarter of the previous year.  And the new Quarter starts June 1st.  If the new Trane is as efficient as they (and neutral websites) claim, I'll get a nice bonus!

Busy Day

Thursday was a busy day.  First, I had to get an abdominal ultrasound at 9 AM.  But their first offer was 5:30 AM, so 9 seemed much better. ...