Saturday, April 22, 2023

A Lost Wine

"I am rather sad today,

My favorite wine has gone away.

It was not one wine-lovers love,

But fit my pallat like a glove.


It went with everything I made,

From chick to pork to steak saute'd.

It thoroughly did suit my taste

And now I'll find no more of it.


The winery has closed, it seems

To end 10 years of vinous dreams.

I'm sure this hits them harder, though

I'll also miss them, don't you know."




Seriously, I started drinking wine 20 years ago.  I graduated from "too much beer all day" to "just enough wine with dinner".  I tried beaujolais, merlot, cab, burgundy, other red wines before discovering zinfandel.  I liked that best for the fruity but complex flavor.  And, as I said in the poem, it suited my cooking style.  I tend toward small amounts of roasted meats, some stir-fried veggies, or spaghetti with meatloaf tomato sauce, and vinegary tossed salads (heavy on the tomatoes).


I was originally able to get it from my friendly local deli/meat/alcohol store.  Then they stopped stocking it, but would special-order multiple cases for me.


Then their distributor stopped offering it several years ago.  I found a store in NY that did and would ship to me.  Shipping wasn't exactly free (cost an additional $5 per bottle) but that wasn't the point.  I liked the wine.


That place hasn't had it available for a few weeks.  I found another place and ordered some, but they just emailed me to say that the winery had closed.  


I feel like I did back when Coca-Cola introduced "New Coke". 


So, now I need to try to find a new wine for dinnertime.  It can't be just any Zinfandel.  The Twisted Wine Cellars version was from "old vines" and that affects the taste.  


And it's not like I'm going to buy $20 wine.  I refuse to pay more  for wine than the dinner costs.  On the other hand, I only have 12 bottles left.  While that will last 36 meals, a month is not really a long time.  


One time years ago, I found a place that was based on "if you like this, you will like that".  It had charts that compared products for similarity (by user reviews).  One of them was wine.  I now wish I had saved the graph or bookmark.  I didn't find it tonight, but I will look again tomorrow.


Meanwhile, I'll be talking to the wine guy at the local store and see what he recommends.


Farewell, Twisted Wine Cellars Twisted Zin...


Twisted Zinfandel Old Vines 1.5L

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Tulips And Other Flowers

The tulips were generally at their best yesterday.   

I used to have a lot more, but there are 2 problems.  First, the voles love them!  They find them almost anywhere.  Second, the fancier ones have short lives.  They are hybridized within an inch of existence for color rather than length of life.  Even if I plant them in wire mesh cages  (small enough to keep voles out but large enough to allow the stems to grow through), they still die younger than standard red ones.

Years ago, I planted perhaps 100 tulips in 2 years.  The first were among the daffodils around the backyard woods.  And some near the deck.  The following Spring, all I found were holes where the voles dug down and ate the bulbs.  The last 2 pics are of the only survivors (and notice they are solid colors). 

You can see how many there used to be...

So, when I established the 25x25' daffodil bed around the birdfeeder, I put the hyacinths and tulips in wire mesh cages.  But even that didn't help much.  At  8 bulbs per cage, about 10 cages, 80 bulbs...  I have 8 left and a few that are just leaves this year but might bloom next year.

I plan to dig up the cages in June when the leaves die back and try again.  But this time with standard old red tulips in the Fall.  They will stand out among the daffodils better anyway.

I have no idea why the caged hyacinths all died out.  They are usually long-lived if not eaten by voles.  Maybe the hyacinth stems are too thick for the wire mesh.  Maybe I'll try putting them in slightly larger mesh and surround them with sharp gravel chips.  I've read that deters voles very well.  

I want more hyacinths.  The fragrance is wonderful!

Friday, April 14, 2023

Tax Day

 LOL@ me.  I meant the previous post to be a draft to be added to later.  It slipped past my noticing...  I guess I left it "scheduled" rather than "draft".

But I did my taxes yesterday.  It was miserable even with helpful software.  There are questions I don't truly understand, so I just do my best.  I probably make some mistakes.  But I bet I overpay rather than underpay.  I'll survive.  If I get audited, they will probably owe ME money.

The annoying thing is that my e-filing was rejected for the wrong PIN.  My taxes took 2 hours to do and trying to figure out the PIN error took 3.  I will probably never try to e-file again.

So I printed the damn forms out and will snail-mail them as usual.  I'll have to stand in line at the Post Office to get the proper postage and a receipt.  I'll get a few $100 back on the Federal and pay a few $100 to the State.  It balances out, so I don't really care very much.

But it sure could be simpler...  If H&R Block and other places can offer tax software that the Govt accepts as accurate, so could the Govt.  And it would be more official that way.  If they made a mistake in the software, it wouldn't be MY error.  Maybe that's why they don't.  ðŸ˜€

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Tax Day

Damn, need to clear the computer desk for the tax day.   I hate doing it.  I get some slight money back, but it is always a pain.   The software sure helps. but I put it off as long as I can.  "Helps" doesn't make it easy... 

I bet the IRS knows exactly how much I owe.  Why can't they just tell me to send them that?  LOL!

Friday, April 7, 2023

Cut Daffodils

I learned a few years ago that cut daffodils keep their color when dried.  But they do fall apart eventually.  So I went and cut some from the largest patches where their absence won't be noticed much.  They are is glasses of water for now, but will be hung upside down to dry in a week...

 And some even have a nice fragrance!

Thursday, April 6, 2023


The Yellow Forsythia look nice against the evergreen Nandina with red berries. 

But I really had to get rid of the Forsythia.  They are invasive and keep spreading.  I regret ever having planted them 35 years ago.  There are some goldenrod cultivars that aren't and the same color combination would be as pleasing in Fall as the Forsythias are in Spring.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

A Trip Around The Back Yard

There is more than the one Spring bulb bed.  I have smaller patches throughout the back yyard.  And I'm placing markers for where to plant more come Fall.  I want them so thick I can barely walk through them.

And the Hyacinths will need wire cages to keep out the voles.  I bet I lost 200 bulbs to them over the first few years.

Daffodils are safe from them though.  Toxic.

The Saucer Magnolia flowers are done for the year.  

But they sure were pretty for a week.


Tuesday, April 4, 2023


A series of how the blooms change in the bed...  The various daffs were planted to bloom in anti-clockwise rotation.  Well, it seemed a good idea at the time.  


Sunday, April 2, 2023

New Electric Razor

I used a Norelco Rotary Razor for 4 decades.  Bought new shaver heads every 10 years.  It finally failed and I bought a new one that was about the same price.  I forgot that prices of old stuff don't mean the same today.  Well some things get better cheaper.  But in this case the same price new one (different brand) was  a piece of junk.  

So I bought the best I could find this time.   Why not?  I probably have 20 more years of shaving every couple days.

Philips Norelco 9800 Rechargeable.  Shaved my face smooth as a baby's bottom!  

I don't get anything for this.  And it ain't cheap.  But I just love it...

The Annoyance Of Cheap Stuff

 I smashed a wristwatch a few days ago.  It was relatively new.  

I don't care for fancy watches.  A former friend of mine was so proud of his (actual real) Rolex and never understood why I wasn't all that impressed.  I don't do jewelry.  All I want from a watch is accurate time and day, and ease of reading it.  And that it be digital.

So I'm in the "cheap" category...  What is it with cheap watches that they have to be black display on a grey background?  That's hard to read.  I was gifted an early digital watch as a teenager (a Quasar - sp?).  Nice black display on white.  Easy to read.  Kept perfect time for 40 years (with a new battery every 5 years).  Sadly, the innards finally failed.  I loved it for the simplicity.  All I ever had to do was change to DST and back to EST.  It had 2 buttons and each did 1 thing.

My experience with watches has been poor ever since.  The best replacement I found at a reasonable cost was black on grey.  And too much information on it.  I know what day of the month/date/week it is.  I don't need an alarm, a countdown function, a countup function, or a timer.

My previous newer watch had 3 buttons.  The first engaged "settings".  The other 2 let me cycle through options to change the time (up and down).

The newest watch had 4 buttons (and the same black on grey screen).  It lost a minute per month so had to be reset sometimes.  I had to read the instructions every time.  And then the buttons stopped working.  Oh, I could move from one function to another, but nothing stayed "set".  Except alarm beeps at midnight.  

I tried everything in the instructions to stop it, with no success.  I finally smacked it a few times on my workbench just to stop the alarm (5 days ago).  Today, it started beeping at me again every 5 minutes starting at midnight.  The alarm refused to die.

So I whapped it again on the desk until it stopped.  Silent for an hour...  (hurray)  I'm wearing my previous watch for now. I like it better than I did before.  ðŸ˜Š.   I want a simple to set, easy to read, basic digital wristwatch.

If anyone has a recommendation, I'm listening...

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Saturday Surprise

I have been getting my wine, meat and deli stuff from a small specialty store for 20 years.  They are great on meat (both cheaper and better quality than chain stores), cheaper and better deli products too.  Their wine selection is great.  So is their specialty liquors (I found apple liquor there for a 'Golden Dawn' cocktail.

They are even the only place I can dependably find egg roll wrappers.  And they are also the only store around who seem to understand that Golden Delicious apples should be gold and not green!

Well, at checkout, confetti fell from the ceiling and a horn blared...

I was their 1 millionth customer!  Boy was I surprised!  I got my stuff free.  They took some pictures too.  Manager and me.  Cashier and me.  Apparently, it will show up in the local newspaper (I'll have to buy a few copies for posterity)!  I'll post pictures when I get them.

Things like that never happen to me.  So this is a real surprise...

Sports, 1

I've mentioned University of Maryland basketball success the last couple of posts.   I'm a homie.  I went to college there.  When th...