Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Blog Invasions And Other Stuff

I'm used to having Microsoft swoop into my cat blog and making 100 separate visits in a day every month or so.  I assume they are stealing all my pictures.  On the other hand, they seem to be registering my subjects to allow others who search a subject to find the cat blog, so "OK".

Have you noticed that Amazon has gotten into that too?  In the past 4 days, they have visited me 1150 times and they don't appear to be slowing down...

Should I be concerned about this?

I can't tell.  Internet searching about "why is amazon visiting my blog" doesn't produce any results.

Any thoughts?

And I noticed recently, looking at some statistics that one day, most visitors came from China.  But I can't find a problem it caused.  Maybe my firewall software saved me from some invasion or ransomware attack.  Is this something to worry about?

I bought a new router months ago and finally installed it.  Took me a week  (ignoring the prob most days) to get it connected.  Works fine (and maybe better, being 5G), but I've heard Verizon refuses to stop charging for a router.  Anyone know anything about that?  I'll be calling them in a couple days and any info might be helpful.

Lastly, my di-hydrogen oxide supply is low and the time travel machine is just not working well.  Any sources?



Megan said...

Mark - I barely understand the questions, let alone have any answers. However, I did google the one about Amazon and came across this article, which may help:

The di-hydrogen oxide sources are very very low when I am too. We rely on the stuff falling out of the sky - often unexpectedly - and we have installed large tanks to capture and store it. However, it's been months now since we've seen much at all. It makes me wonder whether the last person who knew the recipe for it might have died. We can still buy the stuff, of course, but certainly the free stuff has been all but used up.

As for the time travel machine: I think I'll wait until all the problems have been fixed before asking for a ride in it!

Sydney, Australia

The Whiskeratti said...

Ummmm... I got nothin'.

Ivan from WMD said...

The Microsoft visits are probably spiders for Bing. As for the visits from China, probably about the same thing for one of their search engines, or it could be repeated attempts to hack your blog. However, your own firewall can't prevent or protect from any attempted attacks on the blog--that is handled by Google (Blogger). Personally, I doubt there's much to worry about, but you could back up your blogs as a safeguard.

As for Amazon, who knows. Maybe they're planning their own search engine. Isn't that about the last frontier for them?

Changing The Clocks And Watches

As I said yesterday way more briefly than I intended to (I meant to go back and add a lot more Saturday evening) I love Daylight Saving Time...