Friday, June 8, 2018

Hard Days

I think I am starting to wear out.  I turned 68 two weeks ago, but that is too early these days.

I pulled weeds for 2 hours yesterday and ended up with involuntary finger clenches again.  It happens more and more frequently these days when I do gripping work.  It never bothers me at the time, but 2 hours later, some fingers decide to clamp tight.

The computer world is escaping from my mental grip.  I've never had more than a desktop computer and a laptop.  The new EU law really got me to realize I could follow help rules.  And I get angry about changes like that Blogger won't forward blog comments to my email (which I am used to) for no reason I can find.

More blogs demand I enter my blog name and email and blog url, and that is getting annoying.  That stuff used to autofill and it doesn't now.  So it gets harder to visit cat-blogs now. 

My teeth are falling apart.  I've been to my dentist 6 times in 3 months.  The last time was to replace an old crown that had developed a hole in the top.  He said I could have it replaced or wait a year and have the tooth pulled.  I went for the new cap.

Which came off the night it was installed.  Hadn't even eaten anything yet since my jaw was still numb.  I could only get an appointment yesterday morning.  And oddly, the cap wouldn't set properly (though it did before). 

I'll bet that means the permanent one will need a lot of adjusting.  I'm sure not looking forward to THAT in 3 weeks.

I find it hard to sit at the computer and visit my blogging friends.  There are always emails that seem more "urgent" these days, and I love those too.  I'm just not balancing things...  You know?

I'm going through some changes, and I don't know where I am going to come out.

Please forgive me if I don't visit for a bit.  I love you all and your visits matter to me.  My "To Do" list is just too long.  If I don't attack the wild blackberries and english ivy in the back yard and the poison ivy spreading everywhere, I'm going to completely lose control of the yard.

I shouldn't be feeling this old at only 68!


Megan said...

You sound flat, Mark. It's probably a bit 'chicken and egg' stuff: something happens, you feel flat as a result, and then because you're feeling flat, you perceive other things in a less positive light.

The dental work sounds horrible. I've been three times in the past three months and am likely to need more visits soon. Thank goodness for happy gas is all I can say!

A lot of bloggers are complaining that Blogger is no longer forwarding comments to their email. It's not just you. Hopefully, Blogger will restore the functionality soon.

To do list: hey - it's GREAT to have a to do list. Certainly beats sitting in front of daytime television feeling bored and without purpose.

I think you're doing very well for 68. Yes - problems with teeth and hands etc are wearing, but they come with the option of living longer and staying active longer. In my grandparents' day, you'd be contemplating only another year or three before shuffling off this mortal coil, and yet here you are planning major gardening activities and keeping across changes to computer systems and blogging regularly.

Get yourself to a doctor's to see what can be done about the hands. There could be a simple fix. You own't know until you get expert input.

Hang in there!

Sydney, Australia


Mark I am "only" 61, but like you I see my body limits too. I am by myself now and have 1 1/2 acres to care for in addition to my too large house. Just found wood rot on the house and have to address that, which worries me. Hope I have found the right person to fix it, because I obviously can't. But, doing things in the 100% humidity of Florida is downright dangerous for me. I try to get most of my major yard work done in FEB/MAR/APR because once the heats starts up in May it doesn't stop until Oct. When my feet get completely under me, I will have to think about downsizing but right now, it's just best to stay here and it's as inexpensive as it's going to get. Between that and noticing minor health issues I do completely understand where you're coming from.

Thumper said...

Getting old sucks. I don't mind the years, but dangit, I want my 20 year old body back.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

The shocking thing is when you would be happy to be 50 again, LOL!

Daylight Saving Time

Yay!  An extra hour of daylight for me.  Well, I get up late, so morning light is just wasted on me.  But 6 pm sunset suddenly becomes 7 pm ...