Friday, July 4, 2014

New Deck, Part 4

First, A recognition of Independence Day.  I go out on the deck and read The Declaration Of Independence out loud each year on this day.  It is a stirring document.  Last night, I saw someone on a political talk show who said the claim is at the end and the justification is before, so read it backwards that way. I get the idea, statement at the end and justification before.

So I did.  I have to admit, I thought about it a little differently.

And to my/our British friends, I hope there are no hard feelings.  We got off to a rocky start, but I think it has worked out pretty well over the past couple centuries.  My revolutionist ancestors would not have tipped their hats to you, but I can and do.

But we DO have our holiday and I will support it with a steak on the Japanese hibachi grill, a cold Canadian beer (or 3), a few Southeast Asian shrimp, and a German sausage.  What could be more "American" than that?  LOL!

Now to the deck.  Finally, the end!  Well, sort of.  On Monday, some guys will be coming back to take away all the debris, fill the patio holes with more cement and apply a professionally smooth surface to match the existing patio as close as possible,  and smooth out all the remaining dug-up soil.  But the deck is essentially done.

First thing yesterday morning, they finished putting the composite board on the deck.  Then started putting on the rail support posts.   It looks great.  Now there is a real deck!
Then the tedious part, putting the rail tops on, then all the ballisters.  Of course, they had a sensible way of doing those.  They tacked the all tops with a nail gun and them let them hang freely, then they tacked the bottoms using a level to get them aligned properly.

THEN they put a screw in the top and bottom.  I would have done it the hard way, of course.  Each ballister one top screw and one bottom, one at a time. 
The ballister work progresses...  They did gripe about my "screws" contract requirements though.   They said nails were just fine and would have saved them almost 2 hours work.  But nails always come loose and I can't think of any screws that ever have!  They accepted that (and I might have gotten a couple minor construction points for it).
They did get them all done eventually.

I seem to have missed taking pictures of them building the stairway rails and attaching the ballisters on those.  That was a right piece of hard work by itself.  And took 2 hours worth.  Lots of angle cuts and awkward positions for screwing them in.

They got done just before the rain hit and I helped hual stuff to their trucks.

But here is the final deck!  From the deck door straight out...
A shot across the corner...
The landing leading to the stairs...
A look down the stairs...
And finally, a shot from the stair-landing to the opposite corner. 
I am thrilled!  There is SO much more usable space.  I can actually put a table out there, for example.

And to remind you of the difference, here is the "before" picture (admittedly after 25 years)...
And the "After".
 Quite a difference!


Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Happy Fourth of July! The deck looks awesome!

Fuzzy Tales said...

Oh, it does look terrific! Well worth paying someone to do, great job.

Happy Fourth of July to you...I saw a Tweet on Canada Day (July 1st) on the news: "My Canada is buying a Canadian tee-shirt made India, a Canadian flag made in China, from a big American box store."


And sadly, all too true in today's economy.

BTW, I shop at the big American box stores here, so I can't comment on that!

Megan said...

Fabulous outcome Mark and the before and after shots were very interesting. You have often described the old deck as ugly, although it didn't look it particularly in your photographs. But, now that I can compare it directly with the new one, it definitely comes off second best.

Sydney, Australia

Thumper said...

WOW...the new deck is absolutely amazing.

Just Ducky said...

Just in time for 4th of July BBQ! Hope it is kitty approved too!

Katnip Lounge said...

WOW!!! It really looks great! I bet you are gonna love all the space on one level...just think of the stuff you can put out in pots, and furniture...maybe even a hammock!

Daylight Saving Time

Yay!  An extra hour of daylight for me.  Well, I get up late, so morning light is just wasted on me.  But 6 pm sunset suddenly becomes 7 pm ...