Monday, September 24, 2012

The New Outside, 6

Well, here it is all done.  The gutter guys were in and out so fast, I hardy got any pictures (and I was pretty worn out by that time).
The house looks GREAT!
The neighbors have commented on it (favorably).
I am thrilled!
See the downspouts?  I have 6" gutters and downspouts, and a gutter cover that will keep leaves out (finally).
And this siding is smoother than the old siding.  No place for mildew to get into for a long, long time.  A lot easier to keep clean!

And something else.  The workers were very careful about my plants all around the house.  Very little damage.  I watched them moving the ladders around, and they really worked to not damage them.  That matters.

I will be giving them an "A" rating all the way on Angies List.

A Day Late

But I wanted to remember a sad day. I remember some parts.  I was only 13.  I saw a lot on TV afterwards.  But my most specific image is the...