Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Well, with the weather turning unseasonably cool and wet, I haven't put the tomato seedlings in the new framed bed.    I'll wait a few days.

At the same time, I suddenly got it in my mind to renovate the 2 ponds...  The small preformed one had 3 goldfish, but they died.  I decided to pull all the potted lilies and sweet flag out.  Ack, the roots filled the entire pond!  No wonder the fish died.    It took a day to chop the roots apart into pieces I could pull out!

The larger pond (10' diameter and 2' deep) has a liner that developed holes 2 years ago.  I had avoided replacing the liner because it was covered with heavy rocks.  When I put them in place 15 years ago, I could lift them.  Now I can't.  But I put everything onto the effort yesterday and rolled every one out of the way at least off the liner top.  I'll detail each project as I can and take pictures, but it looks like crummy cold wet weather through the weekend.  May be a few days.

Just wanted to let you all know I am still here and working on projects, just having weather delays...

Just to help, here are my tomato seedlings and a few flats of annual flowers I'm growing from seed.
They are  a bit tall because they don't fit under the grow lights anymore. but that's OK because I plant them deep (for those who don't know, tomatoes develop roots from all buried stem).  And next weekend is the normal time to put them out around here.  I just got excited because the weather was unusually warm last week and I thought it was going to stay that way.

There are flats of annuals too.
Simple stuff like marigolds, forget-me-nots, impatiens,  carnations, etc to fill in holes in the perennial beds while I think about them this season.

I've realized I had too many spots of just a few perennials, and I want to have more of the ones that do well here.  I mean, instead of having a few square feet of a dozen different plants, I want 100 square feet each of a few good ones.

And while I have ordered some additional perennials of the ones that are doing well, I've left spots for annuals this year while I make a final evaluation.

1 comment:

Jacqueline said...

Your projects are all so impressive; you certainly stay busy with so many different tasks just in the yard!...The pond sounds like a lot of work on it's own...Take care of yourself.

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