Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Slow Day (Maybe)

I got up late, and was feeling a bit lazy. So I limited my work today to mowing the lawn, weeding the pole bean and cuke trellis area, and planting 50 marigold I had grown from seed as a front border for the flowerbeds.

Even so, it wasn't easy. The riding mower has a starter problem and I have to jump-start it with a portable power pack that I charge in the house. The mower battery won't recharge and I replaced it just last Fall. Something is wrong deeper in the system than the battery. The 1st power pack charge wasn't enough. I had to recharge it a 2nd time, and it barely started. But "barely" is sufficient.

I'm going to have to start it again and drive it onto my hauling trailer to bring it to a repair replace. The local repair places had 3 week backlogs in May. And using the push mower on a 1/2 acre of sloped lawn is getting hard at 59. I'm struggling along until the backlog is only a week...

When I added compost to the trellis bed 2 weeks ago, I evidently had viable seeds from canteloupes still in it. I had 100's sprouting in the soil. It was easy to identify them among the pole beans, but melon seedlings and cuke seedlings look identical when young. I pulled up all the seedlings that weren't in the row of cukes I planted, but figuring out which ones in the row are cukes will take a few weeks.

A little non-garden story - I bought a jar of Bay Leaves a few days ago and opened it today. Bay Leaves, for those of you not familiar with them are about an inch wide and 2-3 inches long. The jar had a plastic shaker top with holes 1/4 inch wide. LOL! I wonder what they were thinking when they did that?

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