If you never saw this animated Kim Possible series, you may or may not want to read further. But it is my favorite animated show of all time (and I've watched a lot of them). Kim is not Lara Croft. She has a real normal life (so to speak). Classes, homework, problems...

I have the finale bookmarked. So last night, I went looking for the origin episode just to watch it, only to find my memory of it seemed wrong. I thought Kim started as a baby-sitter, but episode 1 showed her already a heroine. I was very surprised and a bit confused.
But hurray for wikipedia! I found this (footnotes removed):
"Kim becomes a crime-fighter unintentionally. In need of a job, she creates her own website to promote her babysitting and lawn mowing services, using the slogan "I can do anything".] When a wealthy entrepreneur accidentally contacts Kim Possible instead of Team Impossible when he becomes trapped by his own laser security system, Kim rushes to his aid and uses her gymnastic abilities to disable the device. As news of Kim's heroism spreads and requests for her help increase, she finally decides to pursue it as a career".
Yay! My memory isn't dead yet... I knew she started out innocent of ideas of heroism.
Kim has a real family and daily high school problems. Dad is literally a rocket scientist and Mom is literally a neurosurgeon. And her younger twin brothers are mechanical geniuses. Your typical family, LOL!
Kim has a male best friend from kindergarden years. No hint of a love relationship. Just BFFs.
The guy is named Ron Stoppable. Kim's last name is Possible; his is Stoppable. Clue to his ineptness in life. He basically becomes the sidekick who has to be saved all the time. Well, his pants fall down on most episodes, so you get the relationship. But he is brave even if inept.
Kim's main goal in the series is simply to help those in need regardless of money or rewards. She does have friends who help her with various planes and information (You helped me with that ship problem, etc).
Kim's main oppenent is Shego (who is both acrobatic and can shoot energy from her hands how is a mystery). But she is the sidekick of the blue-skinned Dr Draken who of course wants to take over the world. There are a few other villians (like Senore Senior Senior and his utterly handsome clueless son Senore Senior Junior ("Senior" being their last name) and some guy who shoots golf ball bombs. But Shego mostly appears.
And one episode explained her name. Kim and Ron eat at taco places. He eats tacos, she a salad. In a different city (but same taco brand) a villian breaks in and Kim drives him a away. Later, she discovers (because she solves things) the manager is a big strong hero named "Hego"
And darned if there wasn't a "Go-Team" once. There was a Theygo (could create multiples of himself) and IGo (speedy kid). Kim catches on about "Shego"... Yeah, Shego was the (black and green outfit) outcast of the group when she followed Dr Draken into villanny. But Kim goes away from their territory (Ron didn't like their tacos) and we don't see much of them.
There are some interesting suprises. In one episode another of Dr Drakens' devices fail and Shego and Kin are zapped to become sisterly friends. Which gets reversed back and forth, of course. But the last moment of the episode was Shego looking at a photo them both together with a tear dripping down her cheek. One of the slightly-suggested plot themes were that Kim and Shego were actually very much alike.
And then there was the "Graduation Day" episodes. With a stupid build up. Ron has "monkey-powers" which he has no understanding of except for a voice/image in his head. Kim realizes that Ron has been her best friend forever. Ron doesn't know how to express his love of Kim.
They eventually kiss to the surprise of both. And attend Senior Prom together. Kim in "a liitle black dress and Ron in an over-the-top tuxedo (of course). The high school crowd is stunned, then applauds wildly. As in "well it's about damned time you two figured it out".
Then the alien baddies attacked. Just a husband/wife team, but they are very powerful (and have been seen a couple times in minor fights). So a few things happen. Dr Draken has created a beam that makes him all flowery (much to his dismay). I mean, petals all around his head and a few tendrils. Shego and Kim fight the aliens. Ron has been given a rocket pack from Kim's twin brothers.
Kim is defeated and she and Draken are captured/taken to the enemy ship. Ron and Shego go to rescue them (she steals a jet pack).
Favorite paraphrases...
Shego to Ron: "How do we get in"?
Ron". "There's always a trash dump".
Shego: That's ricul (and then the trash door opens). They fly in. They find Kim and Draken (Kim got them freed). Ron embraces Kim.
Now you have to understand something here. Shego is Dracken's sidekick/enforcer. She is insulting, snarky and belittles his mad scientist schemes. She has never shown the least sign of affection towards him.
But Shego embraces Draken like Kim and Ron do with a lot of embarassment and "well I was just happy to see you" explanations. Woah!
So they escape the alien ship and return to Earth. The alien couple (visualize 8" tall body-builder/hunters).
They defeat Kim yet again. Draken complains about his petals and tendrils. "Its not like I can command them to surround you", but that actually happens when he says that. OMG, he is sort of like Poison Ivy in Batman. And as he stands there, he hatches a plan. (paraphrasing again) "I see it Shego. For once in my life I see how this could work. It all makes sense now for the first time".
Kim and Shego are beaten. The alien couple have landed destructo-machines all over Earth. But Ron's "monkey-power" (lame, I know) is activated when he sees Kim being held up in defeat by the alien couple.
Two things happen at the same time. Draken commands his tentacles to spread and "take down those machines". And Ron glows red and levitates. Kim is unconcious but Shego is still awake. She sees Ron land vibrating body hits and then actually throws them into their ship (which immediately explodes), ending the threat.
Draken's tendrils crush all the destructo-machines. Ron returns to reality. Kim wakes up and asks Shego "what happened"? Shego: "Ya had to see it. I think your sidekick just stepped up".
Now another interesting part. Draken is regarded as a hero and is awarded a medal. Shego embraces him seriously (in public, though we sort of knew she loved him all the time and he her). They will be together, as Draken realizes being "a good guy" isn't a "bad thing". And the love of someone like Shego isn't bad either. So the bad guys turned out good. Hurrah, everyne is good and happy.
And Kim and Ron graduated and became permanent. She to Universities asking her to accept them and Ron to work at "Smarty-Mart" as a clerk. But it doesn't matter. Because they had always loved each other and never realized it... And would (as the series ended) as long as the stars shown in the sky.