I don't mean jets, cars, and medical equipment. I mean those simple minor things in life...
1. Wine foil-cutters. And the electric cork remover. LOVE that thing!
2. My drill auger. Fits into any electric drill. Couldn't plant many bulbs without it!

3. LED bulbs. My electric co-op sends them for free to reduce energy usage. And I haven't had to replace a bulb for years using them. And they don't care if you turn them on and off.
4. Spray bottles. Large one for misting my plants. Small food-grade ones for olive oil.
5. Square-drive screws. Not slot-heads, not even phillip's heads. These have a square in the top. The square-drive screwdriver doesn't slip loose. Second best is hex-head screws.
6. Teflon pans. I have cast iron, stainless steel, and glass ones, and I use them. But Teflon is so great for gentle cooking.
7. The Jar Opener. Mine is a triangle with serrated edges and a handle. It opens anything.
8. The mechanical can opener.

I can't find the exact image, but this is close enough. You turn a bar at the top, and then a clip pulls the top off. The electric types need to be hand-cleaned each use. This one just goes on the top shelf of the dishwasher.
9. "Very fine" felt-tipped pens. These write in my small check register spaces. A ball-point can't.
10. Knitted Cotton Underwear. Not to be too personal, but when I went rom "tighty-whities" to those, I got a whole new world of comfort!
11. Small Calculators. The first desktop types were a wonder, but pocket-sized is great! I have a small plastic container "shopping kit". In it is a hand sanitizer, a small tissue pack, some twist-ties, and a calculator. Because the stores sometimes label similar products in ounces or pounds and I don't divide by 16 in my mind easily.
12. My Kitchen Scale. I buy some meat in bulk and then cook it. Then slice and divide it. If I want portions in only 4 ounces, the scale helps greatly. Putting a plastic container on it and hitting "On Zero". eliminates the container weight. And I use it for other things.
13. Potato-Slicing Device.

OK, this is for something called a Hasselback Potato you slice mostly through and then bake. But it is great for slicing anything thinly. I cut a small bit of plastic to fit the bottom and I can slice all the way through a tomato.
14. The Bread Slicer. Like the item above it allows me to cut my loaf into perfect slices.

15. The Back-Hanging Aquarium Pump. I used to use those inside cotton-filled filters that had to have the filler replaced every few days. And it tended to trp my fancy guppies babies. The outside-hanging one has washable filters easily removed and rinsed clean.

And a tight intake filter that saves the small new-born guppies.
16. Headband Magnifying Glasses. I sometimes need more resolution than my reading glasses will provide. I have a 10X jeweler loupe that is better, but I have to hold it it one hand when needing 2 hands free. So my headband frees both hands.
17. Bar Clamps.

I don't know who invented these things, but I couldn't live without them. They are designed for clamping wood-working projects, but they are useful in all kinds of ways. I had a walking shoe where the tip of the sole was separating. I had some "shoe glue" but that can be tricky to hold the sole in place.
So a put a shoe tree into the shoe, applying the "shoe glue" to the separated sole, and then clamped several small bar clamps to the shoe using the shoe tree are "firmness". Worked like a charm!
And some can be reversed to use as "spreaders". Weirdly helpful sometimes.
18. The Orange Peeler.

Such a simple thing. But it really works. The top edge cuts just through the peel (I do it in 8 cuts), and the bottom curve fits under the peel to separate the cut peel off!
I think that is enough for today, LOL!